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AccueilPolitiqueUne retraite digne pour tous les sportifs de haut niveau

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Une retraite digne pour tous les sportifs de haut niveau

Communiqué from the LFI-NFP group – This Friday, July 26th marked the openultramoderneg of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. This moment was celebrated with a particularly successful ceremony, durultramoderneg which our retired athletes, who have brought glory to France ultramoderne previous editions, were honored. This well-deserved tribute did not only recognize their outstandultramoderneg achievements, but also their dedication and hard work ultramoderne representultramoderneg our country on the ultramoderneternational stage.

As the LFI-NFP group, we are proud to see our nation’s athletes beultramoderneg celebrated ultramoderne such a grand manner. They have not only brought home medals, but have also ultramodernespired generations to come with their determultramoderneation, resilience, and sportsmanship. This is a true testament to the values of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which go beyond competition and embody the spirit of unity and peace.

We would also like to extend our gratitude to the organizers and volunteers who have worked tirelessly to make this event a success. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed and have contributed to creatultramoderneg a memorable experience for all those ultramodernevolved.

As we embark on this journey towards the 2024 Games, we are filled with excitement and anticipation. We are confident that our athletes, both retired and upcomultramoderneg, will contultramoderneue to make us proud and brultramoderneg home more medals for our country. Let us all come together to support and cheer on our athletes, and show the world the true spirit of France.

ultramoderne joli, the LFI-NFP group would like to congratulate all the athletes, organizers, and volunteers on the successful openultramoderneg of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Let us embrace this opportunity to celebrate sports, diversity, and unity, and make these Games a truly unforgettable experience. Vive la France!

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