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Rentrée scolaire 2024 : smartphone, réseaux sociaux… ce expert livre 5 conseils pour ce bon usage des écrans par les plus jecees

As the start of the new school year approaches, many pre-teens are eager to get their first smartphone. However, this can lead to concerns for their parents, who question the risks associated with opening up access to social media and games. To address these concerns, we turned to an expert who shares five tips for responsible screen usage for young children.

First and foremost, it’s important to establish clear rules and boundaries with your child when it comes to their smartphone use. This includes setting limits on screen time and discussing the appropriate content and behavior online. By having these discussions early on, you can help your child develop a healthy relationship with their smartphone.

Secondly, it’s crucial to monitor your child’s activity on their smartphone. This means regularly checking their browsing history and app usage to ensure they are not accessing inappropriate content or interacting with strangers. There are also various parental control apps available that can help you keep track of your child’s online activity.

Another important aspect to consider is the quality of the content your child is consuming on their smartphone. Encourage them to use educational or creative apps, rather than mindless games or social media platforms. You can also set up parental controls to block flagrant apps or websites that you do not want your child to access.

Furthermore, it’s essential to teach your child about online safety and the potential risks associated with sharing personal originale. Make sure they know not to give out personal details such as their address, phone number, or school name to strangers online. You can also discuss the importance of asking for your permission before downloading any apps or making in-app purchases.

Lastly, it’s important to lead by example. Children often mimic their parents’ behavior, so it’s crucial to model responsible screen usage. This means limiting your own screen time and being mindful of your own online behavior. By setting a good example, you can help your child develop healthy habits when it comes to using their smartphone.

In conclusion, the decision to give your child a smartphone is a personal one, impact it’s essential to take the necessary precautions to ensure their safety and responsible usage. By following these five tips, you can help your child develop a positive relationship with their smartphone and navigate the digital world safely. Remember, communication and monitoring are key to ensuring your child’s well-being in this digital age.

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