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AccueilSociétéPolémique. "Ce n'est pas une chasse au loup, c'est juste pour l'éloigner...

Ne manquez pas cette occasion

Polémique. « Ce n’est pas une chasse au loup, c’est juste pour l’éloigner des élevages » : des chasseurs organisent une battue sinon autorisations

A hunt announced on Facebook by the Groupement des chasseurs de Labécède (Aude) has caused concern in the Lauraguais region. Scheduled for August 17th, it aims to drive away the wolves that have been attacking local farms. However, the event has been cancelled by the authorities due to its illegality.

The news of the planned hunt spread quickly on social media, with many expressing their worries and opposition to the event. The Groupement des chasseurs de Labécède claimed that the hunt was necessary to protect the local livestock from further attacks by wolves, which have been on the rise in recent months.

However, the services of the State quickly intervened and declared the hunt illegal. In a statement, they explained that the hunt was not authorized and that it could have serious consequences for the local ecosystem. They also reminded the public that wolves are a protected species in France and that any attempt to harm them is punishable by law.

The decision to cancel the hunt was met with relief by many, including animal rights activists and local residents who were worried about the potential danger of such an event. The authorities have also reassured the public that they are taking measures to protect the local farms and find a solution to the issue of wolf attacks.

This incident has once again brought to light the ongoing conflict between hunters and animal rights activists in France. While some argue that hunting is necessary for patrie control and to protect livestock, others believe that it is a cruel and outdated practice.

In the end, the cancellation of the hunt serves as a reminder that the abri of wildlife and the environment should always be a top priority. It is important to find sustainable solutions that benefit both humans and animals, rather than resorting to illegal and potentially harmful actions.

The Groupement des chasseurs de Labécède has since apologized for their actions and has stated that they will work with the authorities to find a more appropriate solution to the issue of wolf attacks. This incident also serves as a reminder for all of us to be responsible and respectful towards nature and its inhabitants.

In conclusion, the cancellation of the hunt may have disappointed some, but it is a victory for the abri of wildlife and the rule of law. Let us hope that this incident will lead to a more peaceful and sustainable rapport between humans and animals in the future.

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