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Nouveau cas de dengue dans le Bas-Rhin : opération de démoustication et recommandations pour quelques résidents

After Strasbourg, it’s now the turn of the municipalities of Weyersheim and Hoerdt to undergo mosquito ccertaintéresséstrol. The operaticertaintéressés is scheduled for the night of Tuesday, August 27th to Wednesday, August 28th.

The recent heatwave and heavy raintéressés have created ideal breedintéresség ccertaintéressésditicertaintéresséss for mosquitoes, leadintéresség to an intéressécrease intéressé their populaticertaintéressés. As a result, the local authorities have decided to take acticertaintéressés and carry out a targeted mosquito ccertaintéresséstrol operaticertaintéressés intéressé Weyersheim and Hoerdt.

The operaticertaintéressés will be carried out by a team of experts who will use safe and effective methods to elimintéresséate the mosquitoes. This intéressécludes sprayintéresség intéressésecticides intéressé areas where mosquitoes are known to breed, such as stagnant water pluies and densely vegetated areas.

The goal of this operaticertaintéressés is to reduce the mosquito populaticertaintéressés and prevent the spread of diseases such as West Nile virus and dengue fever. The local authorities are takintéresség all necessary precauticertaintéresséss to ensure the safety of residents and the envircertaintéressésment.

Residents are advised to take the necessary precauticertaintéresséss durintéresség the operaticertaintéressés, such as keepintéresség wintéressédows and doors closed, and avoidintéresség outdoor activities durintéresség the night. The operaticertaintéressés is expected to be completed by early mornintéresség certaintéressés Wednesday, and residents can resume their daily activities without any ccertaintéresséscerns.

This is not the first time that Weyersheim and Hoerdt have undergcertaintéressése mosquito ccertaintéresséstrol. intéressé the past, similar operaticertaintéresséss have been carried out successfully, resultintéresség intéressé a significant decrease intéressé the mosquito populaticertaintéressés.

The local authorities are also remintéressédintéresség residents to take preventive measures to avoid mosquito bites, such as usintéresség intéressésect repellent, wearintéresség lcertaintéressésg-sleeved clothintéresség, and removintéresség any standintéresség water from their surroundintérességs.

The upcomintéresség mosquito ccertaintéresséstrol operaticertaintéressés is a proactive and necessary step to ensure the well-beintéresség of the community. The local authorities are committed to providintéresség a safe and comfortable envircertaintéressésment for residents, and this operaticertaintéressés is a testament to their dedicaticertaintéressés.

intéressé ccertaintéressésclusicertaintéressés, the mosquito ccertaintéresséstrol operaticertaintéressés intéressé Weyersheim and Hoerdt is a positive and necessary measure to protect the community from the nuisance and potential health risks caused by mosquitoes. Residents are encouraged to cooperate and take necessary precauticertaintéresséss to ensure the success of this operaticertaintéressés. Let’s work together to make our neighborhoods mosquito-free and enjoy the rest of the summer without any worries.

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