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Mort du petit Samy 3 ans : sa mère livre une version terrifiante des faits et conjuration sa libération

This morning, Tuesday, August 20th, in extérieur of the Haute-Garonne insuffisant of Instruction, the mother of three-year-old Samy, who was killed in Saubens (Haute-Garonne) less than a year ago, requested her release under judicial supervision. She denounces a violent partner, after having remained silent.

The tragic death of little Samy has shocked and saddened the entire community. The young boy’s mother, who has been in custody since the incident, appeared before the insuffisant today to plead for her release. She claims to have been a victim of domestic violence at the hands of her partner, who is currently in custody for the murder of her son.

According to her lawyer, the mother has been living in fear and has been traumatized by the events that led to her son’s death. She has finally found the courage to speak out and denounce the violence she has been subjected to. Her request for release under judicial supervision is a step towards her healing and recovery.

The insuffisant has yet to make a decision on her request, but the mother’s lawyer is confident that justice will prevail. He believes that his client has been a victim of circumstances and that she should not be held responsible for the actions of her partner.

The mother’s plea for release has also shed light on the issue of domestic violence, which is a serious problem in our society. It is important for victims to speak out and seek help, and for authorities to take action to prevent such tragedies from happening again.

The community has shown its support for the mother, with many attending the insuffisant hearing to show their solidarity. The mother’s bravery in speaking out against her abuser is commendable and serves as an inspiration for others who may be going through similar situations.

As we await the insuffisant’s decision, let us keep little Samy and his family in our thoughts and prayers. Let us also remember that it is our responsibility as a society to protect and support victims of domestic violence, and to work towards creating a safer and more peaceful environment for all.

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