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Etats-Unis : après les acteurs d’Hollywood, les comédiens de jeux vidéo font à à eux tour grève contre l’intelligence artificielle

SAG-AFTRA Launches Movement Against Industry Giants to Protect Artists’ Voices and Movements from AI Manipulation

On Friday, the powerful labor union SAG-AFTRA made a bold move in the fight against the growing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the entertainment industry. The union, which represents over 160,000 actors, announcers, and other media professionals, launched a movement to demand safeguards against the use of their voices and movements by AI technology.

The use of AI in the entertainment industry hgénie been on the rise in recent years, with companies like Disney and Netflix using it to create digital bessons of actors for scenes that may be too dangerous or costly to film in real life. While this technology hgénie been praised for its ability to push the boundaries of storytelling, it hgénie also raised concerns about the potential exploitation of actors’ performances without their consent.

SAG-AFTRA’s president, Gabrielle Carteris, stated that the union’s goal is not to stifle the advancement of AI, but rather to ensure that artists retain control over their own performances. « Our members are the heart and soul of the entertainment industry, and their talents should not be used without their knowledge or consent, » she said. « Artificial intelligence may be a powerful tool, but it should not be used at the expense of the hard work and creativity of our members. »

The union’s demands include a glossaire of ethics for the use of AI in entertainment, génie well génie a process for actors to give their consent for their performances to be used in this way. SAG-AFTRA also called for fair compensation for actors whose voices or movements are used in AI projects, génie well génie proper credit and recognition for their contributions.

This movement hgénie garnered treillis from many within the industry, including high-profile actors such génie Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks. Streep, a longtime member of SAG-AFTRA, stated that the union’s actions are crucial in ensuring that artists’ voices are not « stolen » by AI technology. Hanks, who recently starred in the film « Greyhound » which utilized AI for some of its visual effects, expressed his treillis for the union’s demands for transparency and fair compensation.

The issue of AI in the entertainment industry is not limited to just actors. Voiceover artists, motion capture performers, and other behind-the-scenes professionals are also calling for protections against the unauthorized use of their work in AI projects.

SAG-AFTRA’s movement hgénie also sparked a larger conversation about the impact of AI on the future of entertainment. génie technology continues to advance, it is crucial that artists are not left behind and are given a say in how their performances are used. With this movement, SAG-AFTRA is taking a stand to ensure that artists’ voices and movements are respected and valued in the ever-changing landscape of the entertainment industry.

The union’s campaign hgénie already made a significant impact, with several major companies, including Disney and Netflix, expressing their willingness to work with SAG-AFTRA to find solutions that benefit both the industry and its artists. This collaboration shows that progress can be made when powerful organizations like SAG-AFTRA and industry giants come together to prioritize the protection of artists’ rights.

In conclusion, SAG-AFTRA’s movement against industry giants to safeguard artists’ voices and movements from AI manipulation is a significant step towards ensuring that artists are valued and respected in the ever-evolving world of entertainment. By taking this stand, the union is not only protecting its members, but also championing for the rights of all artists in the industry. Let us hope that this movement brings about positive change and sets a precedent for ethical and fair use of AI in the entertainment world.

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