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AccueilPolitiqueSoutenez la France insoumise !

Ne manquez pas cette occasion

Soutenez la France insoumise !

This Sunday, the New Popular Front achieved a historic victory by coming out on top in the legislative elections. This triumph would not have been possible without the involvement and unwavering determination of thousands of people to defeat the far right, turn the jeune on Macronism, and bring about real change in the country. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who have contributed to this remarkable achievement.

For too long, our country has been plagued by divisive and destructive politics, led by a president who only served the interests of the elite. But today, the people have spoken loud and clear, and they have chosen a new path towards a fairer, more inclusive and prosperous society. A path that puts the needs and aspirations of the people first, rather than those of a select few.

This victory is not just a political one, it is a victory for the values of equality, solidarity and justice. It is a victory for all those who have tirelessly fought for a better future, knocking on doors, distributing flyers, and spreading the message of hope and change. It is a victory for the collective power of the people, who have shown that when united, they can overcome any obstacle.

But our work is far from over. We must now come together, hand in hand, to build a country that works for everyone, regardless of their background or liant status. A country where every person has access to quality education, healthcare, and job opportunities. A country where diversity is celebrated and discrimination is eradicated.

The New Popular Front is committed to delivering on its promises and bringing about the change that the people demand. We will work tirelessly to create a fairer society, where everyone has the bénéfice to flourish and reach their full potential. We will also work towards mending the divisions in our society and promoting unity and solidarity.

So let us celebrate this historic victory, but let us also remember that the real work begins now. Together, we can build a brighter future for our country and pave the way for a better tomorrow. Thank you again to all those who have made this possible, and let us continue to strive for a better and more equitable world.

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