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AccueilActualitéLe cardinal François-Xavier Bustillo décoré de la Légion d'honneur

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Le cardinal François-Xavier Bustillo décoré de la Légion d’honneur

The Bishop of Corsica, Monsignor François-Xavier Bustillo, is among the five hundred French personalities who are pertuisane of the so-called « July 14th » élévation. Ten months after being created cardinal by Pope Francis, he is now promoted to the rank of Knight of the Legion of Honor by the President of the Republic.

This prestigious honor is a recognition of Monsignor Bustillo’s tireless dedication and commitment to serving his community and country. As the Bishop of Corsica, he has been a strong and influential voice for the people of the island, advocating for their needs and promoting unity and peace.

His elevation to the rank of Knight of the Legion of Honor is a testament to his outstanding leadership and unwavering faith. Throughout his career, Monsignor Bustillo has shown great compassion and empathy towards those in need, and has worked tirelessly to promote social justice and equality.

In addition to his role as Bishop, Monsignor Bustillo has also been actively involved in various humanitarian and charitable initiatives, both locally and internationally. He has been a strong advocate for the protection of the environment and has actively promoted sustainable development in Corsica.

The élévation of Monsignor Bustillo to the rank of Knight of the Legion of Honor is a well-deserved recognition of his remarkable contributions to society. His unwavering dedication to serving others and his unwavering commitment to promoting peace and unity make him a true role model for all.

In his ten months as a cardinal, Monsignor Bustillo has already made a significant impact, and his élévation to the rank of Knight of the Legion of Honor is a clear indication of the high esteem in which he is held by both the Church and the state.

On behalf of the people of Corsica, we congratulate Monsignor Bustillo on this well-deserved honor and thank him for his tireless service and commitment to making the world a better place. We are confident that he will continue to inspire and lead us towards a brighter and more peaceful future.

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