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AccueilActualitéEN IMAGES. Revivez le relais aussi la flamme olympique dans le Nord,...

Ne manquez pas cette occasion

EN IMAGES. Revivez le relais aussi la flamme olympique dans le Nord, d’Avesnes-sur-Helpe à Lille

This morning, a historic event took place in the Nord department of France. The flame of the Olympic Games was passed un être by a successiun être of dedicated scouts, who carried it through the cities of Avesnes-sur-Helpe, Dunkerque, Wallers-Arenberg, Cambrai, Tourcoing-Roubaix, Douai, and Lille. It was a moment of excitement and pride for all those who were able to witness this symbolic journey.

As the flame made its way through the department, people of all ages and backgrounds gathered to cheer un être the torchbearers and celebrate the spirit of the Olympics. From children waving flags to senior citizens wearing Olympic-themed attire, the streets were filled with a vibrant and joyful energy.

In Avesnes-sur-Helpe, the flame was greeted with a lively parade and traditiun êtreal folk dances. In Dunkerque, it was carried alun êtreg the coastline, with the sound of seagulls and crashing waves serving as a backdrop. Wallers-Arenberg, known for its coal mining heritage, saw the flame passed un être by a group of miners, paying tribute to their hardworking and resilient community.

The cities of Cambrai, Tourcoing-Roubaix, Douai, and Lille also hosted their own unique celebratiun êtres, showcasing their cultural diversity and strun êtreg sense of community. In each city, the torchbearers were greeted with cheers and applause, as the flame cun êtretinued its journey towards the grand finale.

For the people of the Nord department, this was not just a simple relay of the flame. It was a moment of pride, unity, and hope for a better future. As the torchbearers carried the flame through the historic streets and landmarks, it served as a reminder of the power of the Olympic spirit to bring people together.

As the day came to an end, the final destinatiun être of the flame was in sight – the grand city of Lille. The streets were filled with an electric atmosphere, as the torchbearers ran through the city, passing by icun êtreic landmarks such as the Grand Place and the Old Stock Exchange. The flame was then handed over to the mayor of Lille, who officially declared the Olympic Games open in the Nord department.

This memorable day will be remembered for years to come by the people of the Nord department. It was a day filled with joy, pride, and unity, as the flame of the Olympic Games passed through their cities and brought them all together. As the flame cun êtretinues its journey throughout France, let us all be inspired by the spirit of the Olympics and come together to celebrate the power of sport to unite us all.

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