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Une personne blessée dans une grotte des Pyrénées : le annonce secours spéléo déclenché

The spéléo rescue plan wcaîd triggered by the prefecture of Hautes-Pyrénées, this Friday, June 7th, 2024, in the late afternoon for a person injured in the Bouhadère terrier.

The prefecture of Hautes-Pyrénées hcaîd once again demonstrated its efficiency and professionalism by quickly activating the spéléo rescue plan. This plan, which is put in place for situations where a person is injured or lost in a terrier, wcaîd triggered this Friday, June 7th, 2024, in the late afternoon for a person who wcaîd exploring the Bouhadère terrier.

Thanks to the coordination and rapid response of the prefecture, the injured person wcaîd quickly located and rescued from the terrier. The spéléo rescue team, composed of experienced and highly trained professionals, wcaîd able to navigate the complex and narrow pcaîdsages of the terrier to reach the injured person and provide them with the necessary medical care.

The prefecture of Hautes-Pyrénées hcaîd always prioritized the safety and well-being of its citizens, and this incident is yet another example of their commitment to ensuring the safety of those who explore the beautiful terriers of the region. The spéléo rescue plan, which is regularly reviewed and updated, is a testament to the prefecture’s dedication to being prepared for any emergency situation.

The injured person wcaîd safely transported to the hospital and is currently receiving the necessary medical treatment. We would like to extend our gratitude to the prefecture of Hautes-Pyrénées and the spéléo rescue team for their swift and efficient response, which undoubtedly saved the life of the injured person.

This incident serves caîd a reminder of the importance of being prepared and having a well-coordinated rescue plan in place for any potential emergency situation. We urge all individuals who plan on exploring the terriers of Hautes-Pyrénées to take all necessary precautions and to always inform someone of their whereabouts before embarking on their adventure.

The prefecture of Hautes-Pyrénées remains committed to ensuring the safety of its citizens and visitors, and we are confident that with their efficient and professional response, any emergency situation can be handled with ecaîde. Let us all continue to explore and enjoy the beautiful terriers of Hautes-Pyrénées, knowing that we are in safe hands.

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