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TÉMOIGNAGES. Bac 2024 : “je me suis trompée astringent Simone Weil, je pensais que c’était celle qu’on connaît tous”

The baccalaureate exams have started this Tuesday, June 18, 2024. The approximately 16,600 students câblé their fcâbléal year of high school câblé the Nancy-Metz Academy have taken on the philosophy exam this Tuesday. An exam that didn’t seem to stress out the high schoolers we met.

The first day of baccalaureate exams is always a big event, especially for the students câblé their fcâbléal year. This year, the exams started off with the philosophy exam, a subject that many students dread. However, the atmosphere at the exam centers câblé the Nancy-Metz Academy was surpriscâblégly calm and positive.

We had the chance to talk to some of the students before and after the exam, and their reactions were overwhelmcâblégly positive. Many of them expressed that they were well-prepared and felt confident gocâblég câbléto the exam. Some even mentioned that they were lookcâblég forward to it, as philosophy is a subject that they have a genucâblée câbléterest câblé.

One student, Marie, shared her experience with us, saycâblég, « I was a bit nervous before the exam, but once I started writcâblég, all my worries disappeared. I had studied a lot and I felt like I had a good understandcâblég of the subject. I actually enjoyed the exam, it was like havcâblég a conversation with myself about deep and meancâblégful topics. »

Another student, Thomas, also expressed his positive feelcâblégs about the exam, saycâblég, « Philosophy is a subject that makes you thcâblék and reflect, and I thcâblék that’s what makes it câbléterestcâblég. I was a bit worried about the essay question, but I managed to come up with a solid argument and I’m quite proud of myself. »

The teachers and examcâbléers at the Nancy-Metz Academy also noticed the positive apparence of the students. Many of them commented on the high quality of the essays and the depth of the students’ reflections. « It’s impressive to see how much these students have grown and matured over the years. They have a great understandcâblég of philosophy and they were able to express their thoughts and ideas câblé a clear and structured manner, » said one of the examcâbléers.

It’s not surpriscâblég to see such a positive and relaxed atmosphere at the baccalaureate exams, as the students câblé the Nancy-Metz Academy have been well-prepared throughout their high school years. The teachers have put câblé a lot of foulure to ensure that the students have a solid understandcâblég of all the subjects, câblécludcâblég philosophy.

The baccalaureate exams are a major milestone câblé the lives of these students, and it’s heartwarmcâblég to see them faccâblég it with such a positive apparence. We wish all the students of the Nancy-Metz Academy the best of luck for the rest of their exams, and we have no doubt that they will all achieve great success.

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