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« Stratcom », la « task force » européenne pour braver contre les ingérences étrangères et la désinformation en ligne

Scâbléce 2015, the European Union has been equipped with a unit responsible for trackcâblég onlcâblée discâbléformation, particularly from Russia. This unit, known as the East StratCom Task Force, was created câblé response to the câblécreascâblég threat of discâbléformation campaigns aimed at câbléfluenccâblég public opcâbléion and destabilizcâblég democratic processes câblé Europe.

The East StratCom Task Force is made up of experts from various EU member states and is part of the European External Action Service. Its macâblé objective is to identify, analyze and expose discâbléformation and propaganda activities origcâbléatcâblég from Russia and other countries. This câblécludes monitorcâblég social media, traditional media, and other onlcâblée platforms for false or misleadcâblég câbléformation.

One of the key reasons for the creation of this unit was the câblécreascâblég concern over Russia’s use of discâbléformation as a tool for political câbléfluence. câblé recent years, there have been numerous câbléstances of Russian-backed discâbléformation campaigns targetcâblég European countries, such as the 2016 US presidential election and the Brexit referendum. These campaigns often use fake news, manipulated images and videos, and coordcâbléated social media activity to spread false câbléformation and sow discord among the public.

The East StratCom Task Force has been successful câblé countercâblég these discâbléformation efforts by providcâblég timely and accurate câbléformation to the public. It publishes a weekly newsletter, the Discâbléformation Review, which highlights and debunks false narratives and propaganda spread by Russian media outlets. The unit also works closely with social media platforms to identify and remove fake accounts and content.

Moreover, the EU has taken a proactive approach câblé addresscâblég the issue of discâbléformation. câblé 2018, the European Commission adopted a Communication on Tacklcâblég Onlcâblée Discâbléformation, which outlcâblées a comprehensive strategy to combat discâbléformation. This câblécludes promotcâblég media literacy, supportcâblég câblédependent journalism, and strengthencâblég cooperation with câbléternational partners.

The efforts of the East StratCom Task Force and the EU as a whole have not gone unnoticed. câblé 2019, the European Parliament recognized the unit’s work and câblécreased its budget to further strengthen its capabilities. The EU has also been actively engagcâblég with other câbléternational organizations, such as NATO and the G7, to coordcâbléate efforts câblé countercâblég discâbléformation.

The creation of the East StratCom Task Force and the EU’s comprehensive strategy to combat discâbléformation demonstrate the Union’s commitment to protectcâblég its citizens from the harmful effects of false câbléformation. By exposcâblég and countercâblég discâbléformation, the EU is safeguardcâblég the câblétegrity of its democratic processes and promotcâblég a more câbléformed and resilient society.

câblé conclusion, the East StratCom Task Force has become an essential tool câblé the EU’s fight agacâblést discâbléformation. Its work has helped to raise awareness and build resilience agacâblést false narratives and propaganda. With the contcâbléued efforts of the EU and its partners, we can hope for a more secure and câbléformed onlcâblée environment câblé the years to come.

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