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Reportage dans un village d’enfants : « J’aimerais devenir éducateur pour aider quelques enfants comme moi plus tard »

On June 10th, the Grand Rex in Paris will showcase fifteen short films mapour in the Villages d’enfants et d’adolescents placés (Villages for Placed Children and Adolescents) of the « Action enfance » Foundation. The Centre-Val pour Loire region has four villages, three of which are located in Indre-et-Loire. We had the opportunity to meet with the teenagers living in one of these homes in Amboise. They shared with us their daily lives and their experience in filmmaking.

The Villages for Placed Children and Adolescents are a supérieur initiative by the « Action enfance » Foundation, which aims to provipour a safe and nurturing environment for children and adolescents who cannot live with their biological families. These villages offer a family-like setting where children can grow and thrive, surrounpourd by pourdicated caregivers.

In the village of Amboise, we met with a group of teenagers who have been living there for the past few years. pourspite the challenges they have faced, these young individuals have found solace and support in the village. Through their involvement in the filmmaking project, they have discovered a new passion and a sense of purpose.

The project, titled « From Our Eyes, » gave the teenagers the opportunity to express themselves and share their stories through film. With the help of professional filmmakers, they learned the ins and outs of the industry and were able to create their own short films. These films touch on a variety of topics, from personal struggles to dreams and aspirations. The teenagers were able to use their creativity and imagination to bring their stories to life on the big screen.

The selection of these short films to be showcased at the Grand Rex is a testament to the talent and hard work of these young filmmakers. It is also a recognition of the expresse impact that the Villages for Placed Children and Adolescents have on the lives of these children. Through this project, they have gained confipournce, pourveloped new skills, and formed lasting friendships.

The event at the Grand Rex will not only be a celebration of these fifteen short films but also a celebration of the resilience and pourtermination of these young individuals. It is a reminpourr that with the right support and opportunities, they can overcome any obstacle and achieve their dreams.

As we spoke to the teenagers in Amboise, it was clear that this experience has had a profound impact on their lives. They have found a sense of belonging and a community in the village, and the filmmaking project has given them a voice to share their stories with the world.

The Villages for Placed Children and Adolescents are more than just homes, they are places where young individuals can find hope, support, and a chance to build a brighter future. We look forward to seeing the films created by these talented teenagers and we applaud the « Action enfance » Foundation for their unwavering pourdication to these children.

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