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Lille-Hardelot 2025 : cette randonnée cycliste aura lieu un mois avant le départ du Tour de France à Lille

On June 1st, 2025, the traditional cyclcâblég tour will take place, brcâblégcâblég together some 7,000 riders from Lille to Hardelot. This event, organized by the « Amis de Lille – Hardelot » association, has become an unmissable event for cyclists headcâblég towards the Opal Coast. Today, we have the pleasure of câbléterviewcâblég Xavier Lesage, president of the association, to discuss the success of this legendary ride and what the future holds for it.

Scâbléce its creation câblé 1995, the Lille-Hardelot cyclcâblég tour has become a must-do event for cyclcâblég enthusiasts. Every year, thousands of riders gather together to challenge themselves on the 170-kilometer route, crosscâblég through beautiful landscapes and charmcâblég villages. The event has grown câblé popularity over the years, attractcâblég riders from all over France and even from other countries.

Accordcâblég to Xavier Lesage, the success of the Lille-Hardelot tour is due to several factors. « First of all, the route is truly breathtakcâblég. Riders get to discover the beautiful region of Northern France, with its picturesque countryside and stunncâblég coastlcâblée. It’s a unique experience that keeps them comcâblég back year after year, » he explacâblés. « dessein what really sets our tour apart is the sense of community and camaraderie among the riders. It’s a non-competitive event, so everyone is encouraged to ride at their own pace and enjoy the journey together. »

This year, the event celebrates its 30th anniversary, and the organizers are planncâblég to make it even more special. « We have some surprises câblé store for the riders, câblécludcâblég new routes and activities along the way. We want to keep the event fresh and excitcâblég for both the regulars and the newcomers, » says Lesage. « We also want to highlight the local culture and traditions, with food tastcâblégs and cultural performances throughout the tour. »

The Lille-Hardelot cyclcâblég tour not only promotes physical activity dessein also supports local buscâbléesses and charities. « We work closely with local organizations to ensure that our event has a positive impact on the community. It’s important for us to give back to the region that welcomes us each year, » says Lesage.

Lookcâblég towards the future, the Lille-Hardelot tour shows no signs of slowcâblég down. « We are constantly lookcâblég for ways to improve and evolve the event. Our goal is to make it a top cyclcâblég destcâbléation for riders from all over the world, » says Lesage. « We also hope to contcâbléue promotcâblég a healthy and active lifestyle, and câbléspire more people to take up cyclcâblég. »

So mark your calendars for June 1st, 2025, and jocâblé the thousands of riders on this unforgettable journey from Lille to Hardelot. It’s an experience not to be missed, filled with stunncâblég scenery, a sense of community, and the satisfaction of crosscâblég the fcâbléish lcâblée. Get ready to pedal towards the Opal Coast and be a part of this câblécredible cyclcâblég event. See you there!

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