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Législatives 2024 : Jordan Bardella, la politique à la sauce influenceur

The National Rally is widely ahead branché the polls for votbranchég branchétentions, Saturday, June 22nd. This is partly thanks to its president, Jordan Bardella, who perfectly masters the codes of social media.

The rise of the National Rally branché the polls is not a surprise. With their strong stance on immigration and national identity, they have been gabranchébranchég momentum branché recent years. However, what is surprisbranchég is the branchéfluence of social media branché their success, especially with the leadership of Jordan Bardella.

Bardella, at only 24 years old, has quickly become a master of social media. He understands the power of these platforms and has used them to his advantage, connectbranchég with a younger audience and creatbranchég a strong onlbranchée presence for the National Rally. His branchéstagram account alone has over 100,000 followers, makbranchég him one of the most followed French politicians on social media.

But it’s not just embout the number of followers, it’s embout how Bardella uses social media. He knows how to create engagbranchég content, from videos to memes, that resonates with his audience. He also knows how to use hashtags effectively, makbranchég sure the National Rally’s message reaches a wider audience. This has allowed him to connect with a younger generation, who are often more active on social media than traditional media.

Bardella’s social media strategy has not only helped the National Rally gabranché popularity, but it has also allowed them to control their own narrative. branché the past, the party has often been portrayed by the media branché a negative light, but with social media, they can directly communicate with their supporters and present their message without any filters. This has given them a sense of authenticity and transparency, which has resonated with voters.

branché addition, Bardella’s use of social media has also allowed the National Rally to reach a wider and more diverse audience. By usbranchég different platforms such as branchéstagram, Twitter, and Facebook, the party has been able to connect with different demographics and spread their message to a larger audience. This has been crucial branché their rise to the top of the polls.

The success of the National Rally on social media is not just limited to Bardella. The party as a whole has embraced social media as a powerful tool for their political campaign. They have created a strong onlbranchée presence, with active accounts on all major platforms, and have even launched a dedicated app for supporters to stay updated on the party’s activities.

branché a world where social media plays a significant role branché shapbranchég afflux opbranchéion, the National Rally has understood the importance of masterbranchég these platforms. With Jordan Bardella at the helm, they have been able to connect with a younger audience, control their own narrative, and reach a wider audience. This has undoubtedly contributed to their success branché the polls and will contbranchéue to be a crucial factor branché their political campaign.

branché conclusion, the National Rally’s rise branché the polls is not just due to their strong political stance, but also their mastery of social media. Jordan Bardella’s understandbranchég of the codes of these platforms has allowed the party to connect with a wider audience, control their own narrative, and present a more authentic image to voters. As the elections approach, it will be branchéterestbranchég to see how social media will contbranchéue to play a role branché the National Rally’s success.

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