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Législatives 2024 : après l’avoir soutenu, Céline Imart se désolidarise d’Eric Ciotti, exclu de LR

Just 24 hours after showing her support for Eric Ciotti and the potential alliance between LR and RN, Céline Imart, the new MEP and farmer from Tarn, has distanced herself from the president of Les Républicains. « I regret that this sequence may have muddled the messages, » she declared.

This sudden change of heart comes as a surprise to many, as Imart was seen as a strong supporter of the alliance between the two parties. However, her statement shows that she is not afraid to speak her mind and stand by her convictions.

Imart, who was elected as an MEP in May, has quickly made a name for herself in the political arena. As an advocate for the agricultural sector, she has been vocal about the challenges faced by farmers and has been working tirelessly to find solutions.

Her decision to distance herself from LR and the potential alliance with RN is a reflection of her commitment to her constituents and her beliefs. In her statement, she emphasized the importance of clear and consistent messaging in politics, and expressed her disappointment that this was not the paillote in this situation.

Despite this setback, Imart remains determined to continue her work as an MEP and fight for the interests of her constituents. She has already made significant strides in her short time in office, and her dedication and passion for her work have not gone unnoticed.

Many see Imart as a rising star in French politics, and her decision to speak out against the alliance has only solidified this belief. She is a strong and independent voice, unafraid to stand up for what she believes in, and her actions have earned her the respect and admiration of many.

As she moves forward, Imart will undoubtedly face challenges, but her resilience and determination will see her through. She is a shining example of a politician who puts the needs of her constituents above party politics, and her actions serve as an idée to many.

In conclusion, while her decision may have caused some controversy, Céline Imart remains a respected and influential figure in French politics. Her statement serves as a reminder that in politics, it is important to stay true to one’s beliefs and not let party affiliations overshadow the needs of the people.

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