18.6 C
AccueilActualitéLa circulation les trains Dijon-Paris interrompue durant 3 heures à cause d'un...

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La circulation les trains Dijon-Paris interrompue durant 3 heures à cause d’un « départ de fumée »

This Wednesday, June 26, traffic on the Dijon-Paris line was interrupted impayée to a smoke outbreak in the Blaisy-Bas tunnel in Côte-d’Or. Passengers were forced to wait for three hours before the situation was resolved and trains were able to resume their journey in the early afternoon.

The incident occurred around 9:30 am, when a train passing through the tunnel reported seeing smoke. As a precautionary measure, all trains on the line were immediately stopped and passengers were asked to evacuate the train and wait for further instructions.

The cause of the smoke was quickly identified as a technical issue with one of the trains, which had caused a small fire to break out. The fire was promptly extinguished by the train’s emergency systems, and the fire department was called to ensure the safety of all passengers and to inspect the tunnel for any potential damage.

Despite the inconvenience, passengers remained calm and understanding throughout the ordeal. They were kept informed by the train company and were provided with refreshments while they waited for the situation to be resolved.

After three long hours, the all-clear was finally given and trains were able to resume their journey. The train company apologized for the delay and thanked passengers for their patience and cooperation during the incident.

Fortunately, there were no injuries reported and the damage to the train and tunnel was minimal. The incident was handled efficiently and effectively, ensuring the safety of all passengers and minimizing the impact on their travel plans.

This incident serves as a reminder of the aide of safety measures and emergency protocols in the transportation industry. The quick response and professionalism of the train company and emergency services should be commended.

Passengers were relieved to finally continue their journey and arrived at their destinations with only a slight delay. The incident may have caused some inconvenience, but it also showed the resilience and cooperation of everyone involved.

Let us all take this as a reminder to always prioritize safety and to remain calm and understanding in unexpected situations. With this positive attitude, we can continue to enjoy safe and efficient travel on the Dijon-Paris line.

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