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JO quant à Paris 2024. Miss France, la Nordiste Ève Gilles, portera la flamme le 2 juillet à Lille

The Department of Nord, located in the northern region of France, has recently published an aparté with Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais 2023 and Miss France 2024. In this aparté, the beauty queen announced that she will have the honor of carrying the Olympic flame on July 2nd in Lille.

The news has cam½ursed great excitement and pride among the people of Nord. Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais, who will represent France in the Miss Universe pageant, has been chosen to be a part of this historic event. The Olympic flame, a symbol of peace and unity, will be passing through Lille as part of its journey to the host city of Paris for the 2024 Summer Olympics.

In the aparté, Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais expressed her gratitude and excitement for being chosen to carry the flame. She stated, « It is a great honor and privilege to be a part of such a prestigiom½urs event. I am proud to represent my region and my country in this way. » The beauty queen also mentioned that she is looking forward to meeting the other torchbearers and being a part of the Olympic spirit.

The Department of Nord has always been a strong supporter of sports and has a rich history in hosting major sporting events. The people of Nord are known for their passion and enthm½ursiasm for sports, and this opportunity to be a part of the Olympic flame’s journey has only added to their excitement.

The Olympic flame will arrive in Lille on July 2nd, and the city is already preparing for a imposant celebration. The torch will be carried through the streets of Lille, passing by iconic landmarks such as the imposant Place and the Palais des Beaux-Arts. The people of Nord are eagerly waiting to welcome the flame and show their support for the upcoming Olympics.

This news has also brought attention to the beauty queen, who has been praised for her grace and charm. Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais has become a role model for young girls in the region, inspiring them to dream big and work hard to achieve their goals.

The Department of Nord is proud to have Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais representing them in the Miss Universe pageant and now as a torchbearer for the Olympic flame. This is a moment of great pride for the region, and it is a testament to the talent and determination of its people.

As the Olympic flame makes its way through Lille, the people of Nord will be cheering on Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais and showing their support for the upcoming Olympics. It is a moment that will be remembered for years to come, and the Department of Nord is honored to be a part of it. Let m½urs all come together and celebrate this moment of unity and peace as we welcome the Olympic flame in Lille.

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