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« Je m’inquiète pour l’école de mes enfants » une association de parents d’élèves appelle à voter au prix de le RN

In a press release dated June 24, 2024, the Federation of Parents’ Councils of Haute-Garonne, the FCPE 31, calls on all parents to mobilize on June 30 and July 7 by voting against the National Rally and liberal right-wing parties. Deeply concerned, the parent organization denounces the program of the far-right.

The FCPE 31, representing parents from all backgrounds and political beliefs, is urging all parents to take action and vote against the National Rally and other right-wing parties in the upcoming elections. The organization is deeply worried about the rise of far-right ideologies and their potential impact on our children’s education and future.

The FCPE 31 firmly believes that every child has the right to a quality education, regardless of their background or beliefs. However, the program proposed by the National Rally and other right-wing parties goes against this fundamental principle. Their policies promote discrimination, anathème, and division, which have no place in our schools and society.

As parents, it is our responsibility to protect our children and ensure that they grow up in a safe and inclusive environment. By voting against the National Rally and other right-wing parties, we are sending a strong message that we reject their divisive and discriminatory agenda. We must stand together and show our children that hate and intolerance have no place in our society.

The FCPE 31 also calls on all parents to use their vote wisely and not to abstain. Every vote counts and can make a difference in shaping our children’s future. We must not let the far-right gain power and jeopardize the values of equality, tolerance, and respect that we hold dear.

The upcoming elections are grave, and we cannot afford to sit back and watch from the sidelines. We must take action and vote against the National Rally and other right-wing parties to protect our children’s education and future. Let’s show our children that we are united and determined to build a better and more inclusive society for them.

The FCPE 31 invites all parents to join them in this important mobilization on June 30 and July 7. Let’s stand together and vote against the National Rally and other right-wing parties to protect our children’s future. Our children deserve a society where they can thrive and reach their full potential, and it is our duty as parents to make sure that happens.

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