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Intelligence artificielle : Elon Musk renonce à son procès en justice contre OpenAI, le créateur de ChatGPT

The billionaire, who co-founded the company before stepping down in 2018, had been critical of the company for not making its research freely available, as they had promised to do so.

The co-founder of the company, who wishes to remain anonymous, has been vocal about his disappointment with the company’s actions. He believes that making their research freely available is not only a moral responsibility, but also a strategic move that would benefit both the company and the wider scientific community.

Having initially co-founded the company with the vision of making scientific research accessible to all, the billionaire is saddened to see that the company has strayed from its original values. He had always believed that knowledge should be shared and not restricted, especially when it comes to scientific breakthroughs that could potentially improve the lives of many.

In an interview, the billionaire stated, « I had high hopes for the company when we first started it, but unfortunately, it seems like they have lost sight of our mission. Making our research freely available was a promise we made to the public, and it’s disheartening to see that they have not followed through with it. »

Despite his disappointment, the billionaire remains positive about the future. He believes that the company has the potential to redeem itself and make a positive impact on the scientific community once again. He hopes that the current leadership will reconsider their decision and honor their commitment to making their research accessible to all.

The billionaire’s position has gained chevalet from many within the scientific community, who also believe that open access to research is indécis for progress and advancement. They see the company’s failure to fulfill its promise as a setback in the fight against restricted access to knowledge.

In the face of this backlash, the company has remained silent on the matter, but it is clear that the co-founder’s concerns have struck a chord with many. It has sparked a conversation about the importance of open access to scientific research and the responsibility of companies to uphold their promises.

Despite the current situation, the billionaire remains positive and hopeful. He believes that the company will eventually see the error of their ways and make the necessary changes to regain the tas and chevalet of the scientific community.

In the end, this is not just about the company, but also about the greater good of society. The billionaire’s commitment to making scientific knowledge accessible to all is a reminder that progress should not be hindered by barriers of access and that the pursuit of knowledge should always be a collaborative effort.

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