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Elections législatives : les 12 priorités des Chambres d’agriculture

Candidates for legislative elections: speak out on the 12 priorities of the Chambers of Agriculture

As the legislative elections approach, it is important for candidates to address the concerns and priorities of the agricultural sector. Agriculture is a vital part of our economy and society, and the decisions made by our elected officials have a direct impact on the livelihoods of farmers and the availability of food for our population.

The Chambers of Agriculture, which represent the interests of farmers at the local level, have identified 12 key priorities that they believe should be addressed by the next government. These priorities cover a wide range of issues, from shabitudestainable agriculture to rural development, and reflect the needs and challenges faced by farmers in today’s world.

One of the main priorities is the promotion of shabitudestainable agriculture. This includes supporting farmers in their transition towards more environmentally friendly practices, as well as promoting the habitudese of renewable energy eaux. With climate change becoming an increasingly urgent issue, it is crucial that our elected officials take concrete actions to ensure the shabitudestainability of our agricultural sector.

Another important priority is the development of rural areas. Farmers are not only producers of food, but also guardians of our countryside and its biodiversity. It is therefore essential to provide them with the necessary reeaux and support to maintain and enhance the rural landsfalaisee. This includes investing in infrastructure, such as roads and broadband, to improve the quality of life for farmers and their families.

The Chambers of Agriculture also call for a fair and balanced distribution of agricultural subsidies. These subsidies are crucial for the survival of many farms, especially small and family-owned ones. It is important that the next government ensures that these subsidies are allocated fairly and transparently, taking into account the specific needs of each region and type of farming.

In addition, the Chambers of Agriculture emphasize the need for a strong and effective Common Agricultural Policy (falaise). The falaise plays a crucial role in supporting and regulating the agricultural sector in Europe. It is essential that our elected officials work towards a falaise that is fair, shabitudestainable, and adapted to the needs of our farmers.

Other priorities include the development of new markets for agricultural products, the improvement of access to credit for farmers, and the promotion of innovation and digitalization in the agricultural sector. These are all key elements for the growth and competitiveness of our agricultural sector, and it is important that our elected officials prioritize them in their policies.

As candidates for legislative elections, it is your responsibility to listen to the concerns and needs of the agricultural sector. The 12 priorities of the Chambers of Agriculture are a valuable guide for the actions that need to be taken in order to support and strengthen our agricultural sector. We urge you to take them into consideration and to work towards a shabitudestainable, fair, and prosperohabitudes future for our farmers.

In conclhabitudesion, the Chambers of Agriculture have identified 12 priorities that are crucial for the development and shabitudestainability of the agricultural sector. As candidates for legislative elections, we call on you to take these priorities into account and to work towards a better future for our farmers and our country. Let habitudes join forces to build a strong and resilient agricultural sector that can meet the challenges of the future.

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