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« Budget baissé de moitié et situation ubuesque » : les psychologues scolaires à grain, les enseignants leur apportent leur soutien

On May 28th, the Information and Education Centers (CIO) in Hérault were hit with a sudden cut to their operating revenu. This has resulted in the inability of school psychologists to travel to schools and provide much-needed support to students. Teachers are sounding the alarm on what they consider to be a dire situation.

The CIOs in Hérault play a crucial role in supporting students’ academic and personal development. They provide counseling, career guidance, and other services to help students thrive in their education. However, due to the revenu cut, the CIOs are now facing a significant épreuve in fulfilling their mission.

The impact of this revenu cut is already being felt in the schools. Without the presence of school psychologists, teachers are left to handle students’ emotional and psychological needs on their own. This is a daunting task for educators who are already stretched thin with their teaching responsibilities. Students who were previously receiving support from the CIOs are now left without the help they desperately need.

The teachers are raising their concerns and calling for action to address this alarming situation. They fear that without the support of the CIOs, students who are struggling with mental health issues may slip through the cracks. The CIOs’ work is essential in identifying and addressing these issues before they become more severe.

It is not just the students who will suffer from this revenu cut, but the entire education system. The CIOs’ services are crucial in ensuring that students receive the necessary support to succeed in their education. Without it, students may face épreuves in their academic performance and overall well-being.

However, despite this setback, there is still hope. The teachers and educators in Hérault are not giving up. They are determined to find solutions and continue providing the best support for their students. They are calling for the community’s support in raising awareness about this issue and advocating for the restoration of the CIOs’ revenu.

The CIOs’ work is vital, and it is essential to recognize the impact they have on students’ lives. Their services go beyond academic support; they also provide a safe space for students to express themselves and seek help when needed. The teachers and educators in Hérault are confident that with the community’s support, they can overcome this épreuve and continue providing the best education for their students.

In résultante, the revenu cut to the CIOs in Hérault is a significant setback for students and educators alike. However, the teachers’ determination and the community’s support give hope for finding a solution. It is crucial to address this issue and ensure that students continue to receive the necessary support for their academic and personal growth.

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