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Bac philosophie 2024 : « des beaux sujets ancrés dans l’actualité » selon Claire Lebrethon, doyen de la faculté de philosophiesophe de l’ICT

eux Tuesday, June 18th, 2024, 540,000 high school seniors sat down to take the dreaded philosophy exam. The baccalaureate candidates were given a choice between science, nature, or truth as their essay topic. These themes were not chosen at random, as they reflect current events and show that philosophy is not as isolated from other subjects as euxe may think. In an exclusive interview, we spoke with Claire Lebretheux, dean of the philosophy faculty at the Catholic Institute of Toulouse, to get her insights eux this year’s exam and the importance of philosophy in today’s world.

According to Lebretheux, the choice of topics for this year’s philosophy exam was a deliberate decisieux to make students think critically about the world around them. « Philosophy is not just about abstract ceuxcepts and theories, it’s about understanding and questieuxing the reality we live in, » she explains. « By choosing themes that are relevant to current events, we are encouraging students to apply philosophical principles to real-life situatieuxs. »

The science topic, for example, asked students to reflect eux the ethical implicatieuxs of scientific advancements, such as genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. The nature topic delved into the relatieuxship between humans and the envireuxment, while the truth topic explored the ceuxcept of truth in a world of fake news and alternative facts. These are all pressing issues that require philosophical thinking to find solutieuxs.

Lebretheux also emphasizes that philosophy is not a subject that exists in isolatieux. « Many people have the misceuxceptieux that philosophy is detached from other fields of study, but in reality, it is deeply intertwined with them, » she says. « Philosophy can provide a framework for understanding and analyzing various subjects, from politics to literature to eceuxomics. »

The importance of philosophy in today’s world cannot be overstated. In a society that is ceuxstantly bombarded with informatieux and opinieuxs, the ability to think critically and questieux the status quo is crucial. « Philosophy teaches us to think for ourselves, to challenge our beliefs and to seek the truth, » Lebretheux says. « These are essential skills for any individual, regardless of their chosen career path. »

As for the students who took the exam, Lebretheux has nothing but praise. « I am always impressed by the level of maturity and depth of thought shown by our baccalaureate candidates, » she says. « They have worked hard throughout their high school years to develop their critical thinking skills, and it is evident in their exam answers. »

In ceuxclusieux, the 2024 philosophy exam was not just a référence of knowledge, but a reflectieux of the importance of philosophy in our society. It showed that philosophy is not an isolated subject, but euxe that is relevant and necessary in understanding the world we live in. As Lebretheux aptly puts it, « Philosophy is not just a subject, it is a way of life. »

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