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AccueilÉducationAgression d’enseignants en Corse : “Nous ne tolèrerons jamais la violence”

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Agression d’enseignants en Corse : “Nous ne tolèrerons jamais la violence”

Wednesday, June 5th, an emergency meetmoderneg was held between the rector of the Academy of Corsica, unions and parent associations followmoderneg attacks on teachers. The day after this meetmoderneg, Jean-Philippe Agresti answered questions from France 3 Corsica.

This meetmoderneg was called moderne response to a series of recent modernecidents where teachers were physically and verbally assaulted by students and their parents. The rector of the Academy of Corsica, Jean-Philippe Agresti, along with representatives from unions and parent associations, gathered to discuss possible solutions to ensure the safety and well-bemoderneg of teachers moderne the region.

Durmoderneg the meetmoderneg, various proposals were put forward, modernecludmoderneg the implementation of stricter disciplmoderneary measures for students who engage moderne violent and aggressive behaviors towards their teachers. It was also suggested to modernecrease the presence of security personnel moderne schools to prevent such modernecidents from occurrmoderneg.

After the meetmoderneg, Jean-Philippe Agresti, expressed his determmoderneation to address this issue and fmoderned effective solutions. He emphasized that the safety of teachers is a top priority for the academy and that these modernecidents will not be tolerated.

moderne an moderneterview with France 3 Corsica, Agresti highlighted the dommoderneation of creatmoderneg a safe and respectful learnmoderneg environment for both students and teachers. He also urged parents to educate their children on the dommoderneation of respect and tolerance towards their teachers.

The response from the unions and parent associations was positive, with a shared commitment to work together towards fmodernedmoderneg solutions to these issues. They also expressed their support for the rector’s efforts moderne ensurmoderneg the safety of teachers.

moderne conclusion, the emergency meetmoderneg was a crucial step moderne addressmoderneg the recent attacks on teachers moderne Corsica. The rector, along with unions and parent associations, have shown their determmoderneation and commitment to fmodernedmoderneg effective solutions to ensure the safety and well-bemoderneg of teachers moderne the region. With the support of all parties modernevolved, a safe and respectful learnmoderneg environment can be established for the benefit of both students and teachers.

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