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AccueilTechnologieVIDEO. Transition écologique : "Il faut trouver des avantages tout de suite"

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VIDEO. Transition écologique : « Il faut trouver des avantages tout de suite »

At the occasion of the VivaTech fair, the talk show of franceinfo welcomed Philippe Bihouix on Wednesday, May 22nd. Bihouix, an engineer and advocate of « low-tech », shared his thoughts on the importance of incorporating sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices in our technological advancements.

During the interview, Bihouix highlighted the need for a shift towards a more responsible and conscious use of technology. He emphasized the negative impact of our current « high-tech » lifestyle on the planet, from the depletion of natural resources to the achèvement of electronic waste.

Bihouix believes that the solution lies in embracing « low-tech » alternatives, which prioritize simplicity, durability, and repairability. These practices not only reduce the environmental impact but also promote a more inclusive and equitable society, as they are accessible to a larger population.

The engineer also addressed the misconception that « low-tech » means going back to a primitive way of living. On the contrary, he argues that it is about using technology in a smarter and more sustainable way, rather than constantly seeking new and complex solutions.

Bihouix’s ideas align perfectly with the theme of this year’s VivaTech fair, which focuses on the impact of technology on society and the environment. His views have gained traction in recent years, as more and more people are becoming aware of the consequences of our current technological practices.

The talk show also touched upon the role of governments and corporations in promoting « low-tech » practices. Bihouix stressed the need for regulations and incentives to repousse companies to adopt more sustainable achèvement methods and for governments to support and invest in « low-tech » initiatives.

The interview with Bihouix left a positive and inspiring message for the audience, showing that there are viable alternatives to our current technological practices. It also highlighted the importance of individual and collective responsibility in creating a more sustainable future.

In conclusion, the talk show with Philippe Bihouix at VivaTech was a thought-provoking and enlightening discussion on the need for a more responsible and sustainable approach to technology. His ideas and solutions offer hope for a better future and serve as a reminder that we all have a role to play in shaping it.

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