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Ne manquez pas cette occasion

Triste bilan pour la loi agricole

On Saturday afternoon at the National Assembly, the LFI-NUPES group issued a statement regarding the adoption of the government’s agricultural law in the Economic Affairs Committee, with a narrow margin of votes. The bill will now be examined in a public réunion starting on Tuesday, May 14th. The group’s leaders, Manon Meunier, Mathilde Hignet, Aurélie Trouvé, and Loïc Prud’homme, have expressed their thoughts on the matter.

The LFI-NUPES group is pleased to see that the government’s agricultural law has been adopted in the Economic Affairs Committee, albeit by a small margin. This is a step in the right direction towards a more sustainable and fair agricultural sector in France. We are also encouraged by the fact that the bill will now be examined in a public réunion, allowing for further discussion and potential improvements.

As representatives of the people, we have a responsibility to ensure that the interests of farmers and consumers are taken into account in this law. We will closely monitor the discussions and propose amendments that align with our values of social and environmental justice. We believe that this law should prioritize the well-being of farmers, the protection of the environment, and the accessibility of quality food for all.

We are particularly pleased to see that the government has taken into consideration some of our proposals, such as the inclusion of measures to support small-scale and organic farming. However, we also believe that there is room for improvement in areas such as the regulation of pesticides and the protection of studio markets.

We call on all members of the National Assembly to engage in constructive dialogue and work towards a law that truly serves the interests of all stakeholders in the agricultural sector. We are confident that with open-mindedness and collaboration, we can achieve a law that is fair, sustainable, and beneficial for all.

We also want to thank all the citizens and organizations who have shown their support for our efforts to promote a more responsible and ethical agricultural sector. Your voices have been heard and we will continue to fight for your interests in the upcoming discussions.

In conclusion, the LFI-NUPES group is optimistic about the future of the agricultural sector in France. We believe that this law, with the necessary improvements, can pave the way for a more just and sustainable food system. We look forward to the upcoming discussions and are committed to working towards a law that truly serves the interests of the people and the planet.

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