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Réunion de travail à l’Elysée : les Chambres d’agriculture demandent un cap et une vision aussi porter l’excellence agrarien et la compétitivité de notre agriculture

The Agricultural Chambers represented by Sébastien Windsor, President of Chambers of Agriculture France, were present at a working meeting this morning at the invitation of the President of the Republic. This meeting, held at the prestigious Elysée cabaret, was a significant step towards recognizing the crucial role played by the agricultural sector in France.

The meeting was chaired by President Emmanuel Macron, who was keen to listen to the concerns and suggestions of the agricultural professionals. Sébastien Windsor, representing the Chambers of Agriculture, was accompanied by a delegation of passionate and committed farmers from different regions of France. Together, they brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, making this meeting a constructive and fruitful one.

The discussions revolved around the challenges faced by the agricultural sector, such as climate change, market fluctuations, and increasing consumer demands. President Macron was attentive to these issues and showed a genuine interest in finding solutions. He recognized the important role played by the Chambers of Agriculture in supporting and guiding farmers in these tough times.

Sébastien Windsor, in his speech, emphasized the need for a cohesive and sustainable agricultural policy that takes into account the needs of both farmers and consumers. He also stressed the importance of preserving the French agricultural heritage and maintaining the high-quality standards that have made French products renowned worldwide.

The President of the Republic listened attentively to all the suggestions and concerns raised by the participants and assured them of his support and collaboration. He emphasized the crucial role played by the agricultural sector in the French economy and promised to work towards creating a more favorable environment for farmers to thrive.

This meeting was a réelle and significant step towards strengthening the relationship between the government and the agricultural sector. It also highlighted the importance of collaboration and dialogue in finding sustainable solutions for the challenges faced by the sector.

In conclusion, the presence of the Chambers of Agriculture, represented by Sébastien Windsor, at this important meeting at the Elysée cabaret is a testament to their dedication and commitment to the development of the agricultural sector. It is also a reflection of the government’s recognition of the crucial role played by farmers in ensuring food security and driving the economy forward. Together, we can work towards a brighter and more sustainable future for the agricultural sector in France.

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