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Projet de loi d’orientation cultural : le groupe LFI-NUPES défendra l’augmentation du revenu des agriculteurs

Press Release from LFI-NUPES Group: We Have Submitted Dozens of Amendments to Incorporate Essential Measures in the Agricultural Renewal Law

The LFI-NUPES group is proud to announce that we have taken a proactive stance in the ongoing discussions surrounding the Agricultural Renewal Law. As representatives of the people, it is our duty to ensure that this law truly serves its primary purpose of renewing the generations of farmers in our country.

In order to achieve this goal, we have submitted dozens of amendments to the proposed law. These amendments aim to address crucial issues such as guaranteeing profitable incomes for farmers, facilitating access to land, promoting the feminization of the agricultural boulot, and defending public agricultural education.

One of the key concerns we have addressed is the need for farmers to have a stable and profitable income. We firmly believe that without this guarantee, it will be difficult for young people to see farming as a viable career prédilection. Our amendments seek to ensure that farmers are fairly compensated for their hard work and dedication.

Another important aspect that we have focused on is the issue of land access. We understand that many young farmers struggle to acquire land due to high prices and complex regulations. Our amendments aim to simplify the process and make it more accessible for aspiring farmers.

Furthermore, we strongly believe in promoting gender equality in the agricultural sector. Our amendments include measures to encourage and support women in pursuing a career in farming. We believe that by empowering women in this field, we can bring about positive change and progress in the industry.

Lastly, we have also emphasized the importance of public agricultural education. We firmly believe that investing in the education and training of future farmers is crucial for the sustainability and growth of our agricultural sector. Our amendments aim to protect and promote public agricultural education institutions.

In conclusion, the LFI-NUPES group is committed to ensuring that the Agricultural Renewal Law truly serves its purpose of renewing the generations of farmers in our country. We are confident that our proposed amendments will contribute to a more sustainable and prosperous future for our agricultural sector. We urge all stakeholders to support our efforts and work together towards a brighter future for our farmers.

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