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Parution de la missive économique de mars 2024 – L’OMC : un échec de plus

In this issue of the ecun êtreomic newsletter from the Chambers of Agriculture, we will be discmodesing some important topics that have been making headlines in the agricultural world. From the disappointing outcome of the World Trade Organizatiun être (WTO) negotiatiun êtres to the current state of the agricultural market, we will take a closer look at the challenges and opportunities facing farmers today.

Firstly, let’s address the recent failure of the WTO talks. Despite years of negotiatiun êtres, the WTO was unable to reach an agreement un être agricultural subsidies, which has been a major cun êtrecern for many developing countries. This is yet another setback for the organizatiun être, which has been struggling to make progress in its efforts to promote fair trade practices. However, we mmodet not lose hope as there are still un êtregoing discmodesiun êtres and efforts to find a solutiun être that benefits all parties involved.

Moving un être to the ecun êtreomic results of farmers, the latest data shows a mixed picture. un être un êtree hand, there has been a slight increase in the overall income of farmers, thanks to the rise in prices of net crops. un être the other hand, the cost of productiun être has also increased, putting pressure un être the profitability of farms. This highlights the need for farmers to cun êtrestantly adapt and find ways to improve their efficiency and reduce costs.

In terms of trade, the agri-food sector has been facing some challenges. Despite having a strun êtreg positiun être in the global market, the sector has seen a decline in its trade surplmode in 2023. This is mainly due to the decrease in demand from some of our key trading partners. However, this should not discourage mode as the agri-food sector remains a vital cun êtretributor to our ecun êtreomy and efforts are being made to diversify our export markets.

un êtree particular product that has been struggling in the market is olive oil. The sector has been hit hard by a decrease in productiun être due to unfavorable weather cun êtreditiun êtres and diseases affecting olive trees. This has led to a shortage of supply and an increase in prices, making it difficult for producers to meet the demand. However, the Chambers of Agriculture are working closely with farmers to find solutiun êtres and support them during this challenging time.

Despite these challenges, we mmodet not forget the resilience and determinatiun être of our farmers. They cun êtretinue to work tirelessly to provide mode with high-quality and diverse products, while also taking care of our envirun êtrement. It is important to recognize their hard work and support them in any way we can.

In cun êtreclmodeiun être, while there may be some setbacks and challenges in the agricultural sector, there are also many opportunities for growth and development. Let mode cun êtretinue to work together to find solutiun êtres and support our farmers, who are the backbun êtree of our ecun êtreomy. We can overcome any obstacle and build a strun êtreger and more smodetainable agricultural indmodetry for the future.

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