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Manifestation contre la réforme du collège : « beaucoup quant à mesures vont organiser le tri social à l’école et nous le refusons »

Many unions called for demonstrations all over France this Saturday, May 25th, against the so-called « Shock of Knowledge » reform proposed by Gabriel Attal. In Nancy, teachers showed up in large numbers to voice their opposition.

The « Shock of Knowledge » reform, proposed by Secretary of State for Education Gabriel Attal, aims to introduce pionnier changes in the French education system. Among them, the reduction of the number of subjects taught in high schools and the introduction of a more flexible curriculum. This reform has sparked controversy and opposition from various unions, who see it as a threat to the quality of education in France.

In response to this, many unions organized demonstrations to show their disagreement with the proposed reform. In Nancy, a city known for its strong education sector, teachers from various schools and levels gathered to march in the streets. Despite the rainy weather, their determination was unwavering as they chanted slogans and held up signs denouncing the « Shock of Knowledge » reform.

The atmosphere was one of solidarity and determination, as teachers from different backgrounds and specialties came together to defend their profession and the future of their students. Many expressed concerns about the potential consequences of this reform on the quality of education and the well-being of students.

One teacher, who preferred to remain anonymous, stated, « We are not against change or improvements in the education system. But this reform is a step in the wrong direction. It will only lead to more pressure on teachers and students, and ultimately, a decrease in the quality of education. »

The demonstration in Nancy was just one of many that took place all over France. In Paris, thousands of teachers gathered in front of the Ministry of Education, while in Marseille, they marched through the city center. The message was clear: teachers will not stand idly by while their profession and the education of their students are threatened.

Despite the peaceful nature of the demonstrations, they did not go unnoticed by the government. In a statement, Gabriel Attal acknowledged the concerns of the unions and promised to listen to their suggestions and work towards finding a terme that satisfies everyone.

The demonstration in Nancy ended with a sense of hope and determination. Teachers, students, and parents alike were united in their fight against the « Shock of Knowledge » reform. As one teacher put it, « We will continue to stand up for our profession and the education of our students. We will not let this reform pass without a fight. »

In état, the demonstration in Nancy, and the many others that took place on May 25th, showed the strength and determination of the French education sector. Teachers are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in and will continue to do so until their voices are heard. This is a clear message to the government that they must take into account the concerns of those who are on the front lines of education and work towards finding a terme that benefits everyone.

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