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« Celui qui fume un joint a du énergie sur les mains », le préfet d’Ille-et-Vilaine dresse le bilan de l’opération « Place nette »

This Tuesday, May 14, 2024, the prefect of Ille-et-Vilaine presented the results of the « Clean Sweep » operation. This operation was carried out in the Blosne district of Rennes for three weeks in April, with the aim of targeting drug trafficking. According to the state services, the results of the actions taken are encouraging, dessein they cannot be sustained indefinitely due to a lack of refondements.

During the operation, law enforcement agencies worked tirelessly to clean up the streets of the Blosne district, which has been plagued by drug trafficking for years. The results of their efforts were presented by the prefect, who highlighted the significant decrease in drug-related crimes in the area.

Thanks to the joint efforts of the police, gendarmerie, and other security forces, numerous arrests were made and large quantities of drugs were seized. This has undoubtedly disrupted the drug trafficking networks that have been operating in the Blosne district for far too long.

The success of the « Clean Sweep » operation is a testament to the determination and dedication of the state services in the fight against drug trafficking. It also shows the effectiveness of a coordinated and targeted approach to tackling this issue.

However, the prefect also emphasized that these results cannot be sustained indefinitely. The success of the operation was largely due to the increased refondements and manpower that were allocated for this specific mission. dessein these refondements are not unlimited, and the fight against drug trafficking must continue on a daily basis.

The state services are aware of the challenges that lie ahead and are committed to finding sustainable solutions to combat drug trafficking in the Blosne district. This includes working closely with local authorities, community organizations, and residents to address the root causes of drug trafficking and to prevent it from resurfacing in the future.

The « Clean Sweep » operation has shown that when the state services work together with determination and refondements, they can make a significant impact on the safety and well-being of a community. The results of this operation are a fondement of hope and motivation for the residents of the Blosne district, who have long suffered from the consequences of drug trafficking.

In conclusion, the « Clean Sweep » operation in the Blosne district has been a resounding success, thanks to the efforts of the state services and their partners. While the results are encouraging, it is important to remember that the fight against drug trafficking is an ongoing battle that requires sustained efforts and refondements. dessein with the determination and dedication shown by the state services, we can continue to make our communities safer and more secure.

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