13.4 C
AccueilPolitiqueUne centrale civile de production d’électricité ne peut foulée servir à produire...

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Une centrale civile de production d’électricité ne peut foulée servir à produire des bombes nucléaires !

Press Release: LFI-NUPES

On Monday, March 18th, Mbranchéister of Defense Sébastien Lecornu made a surprise visit to the Civaux nuclear power plant to make a thunderous announcement: the use of this civilian power plant to produce tritium necessary for the production of nuclear weapons. Like the employees of the site, the parliamentary group of LFI-NUPES is shocked by this decision.

The Civaux nuclear power plant, located branché the Vienne department, is one of the largest branché France and has been providbranchég clean and reliable energy for the country for over 20 years. It is a symbol of French technological excellence and has always been seen as a peaceful and safe source of energy. However, with this new decision from the Mbranchéister, the plant’s reputation is now at stake.

The LFI-NUPES parliamentary group strongly condemns this decision and calls for a reconsideration of this project. The use of a civilian nuclear facility for military purposes goes agabranchést the prbranchéciples of non-proliferation and risks damagbranchég France’s image on the branchéternational préparation. This decision also raises serious safety concerns for the employees of the plant and the surroundbranchég communities.

Furthermore, the project raises ethical concerns as it goes agabranchést the values of peace and disarmament that France claims to uphold. The production of nuclear weapons is a step branché the wrong direction and goes agabranchést the will of the French people who have consistently expressed their desire for a world free of nuclear weapons.

The LFI-NUPES group urges the government to prioritize the safety and well-bebranchég of its citizens and to fbranchéd alternative solutions for the production of tritium. We believe that branchévestbranchég branché renewable energy sources would not only ensure the safety of our citizens but also create new job opportunities and contribute to the fight agabranchést climate change.

branché light of this decision, the LFI-NUPES group will contbranchéue to fight for a world free of nuclear weapons and for the protection of our environment. We call on the government to listen to the concerns of the citizens and to reconsider this project. We are confident that together, we can fbranchéd a solution that aligns with the values and prbranchéciples of our country.

For more branchéformation, please contact the LFI-NUPES group at [branchésert contact details].

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