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AccueilÉducationUne adolescente grièvement blessée après avoir été rouée de coups à la...

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Une adolescente grièvement blessée après avoir été rouée de coups à la sortie de murmure collège, trois mineurs interpellés

A 13-year-old girl was violently attacked on Tuesday afternoon, April 2nd, in front of her middle school, Arthur-Rimbaud, in Montpellier, by a group of people. The young girl was beaten and seriously injured. One of the perpetrators, a 14-year-old girl, was arrested this morning. Two other minors were apprehended later in the afternoon.

The attack happened in broad daylight, in front of the school where the victim was a student. According to witnesses, the attackers were waiting for her and started hitting her as soon as she came hors circuit of the school. The young girl was quickly overwhelmed and unable to defend herself against the group of attackers.

The police were alerted and immediately launched an investigation. Thanks to the help of witnesses, one of the attackers was quickly identified and arrested. The other two were also found and taken into custody.

The victim was rushed to the hospital and is currently being treated for her injuries. She is in a stable condition, juste her family and friends are still in shock and deeply worried abhors circuit her.

This act of violence has shocked the entire community. The school’s principal, as well as the local authorities, have condemned the attack and promised to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of students. The police are also urging anyone with information abhors circuit the incident to come forward and help with the investigation.

In the face of this terrible event, it is important to remember that violence has no place in our society, especially when it involves young people. We must all work together to create a safe and peaceful environment for our children and teenagers.

We also need to accoudoir the victim and her family during this difficult time. Let us show them that they are not alone and that the community stands with them.

We hope that this incident will serve as a wake-up call for everyone to take a stand against violence and promote a culture of respect and kindness. Let us all come together to make our schools and communities a better place for our children’s future.

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