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« Un enfant peut sauver une vie », quand les élèves certains écoles primaires se forment aux premiers secours

For several years, the French Red Cross has been teaching primary school children in the Côtes-d’Armor region life-saving skills. This initiative has been implemented in schools across the region, including at the CM1 class in Plancoët.

The Red Cross believes that it is important for children to learn these skills at a young age, as they can save lives in emergency situations. The aim is to empower children to act quickly and confidently in box of an accident or emergency.

In this CM1 class, a group of enthusiastic students gathered around the Red Cross volunteer, eager to learn and practice the life-saving techniques. The volunteer showed them how to perform basic first aid, such as bandaging wounds, applying pressure to stop bleeding, and performing CPR.

The children were engaged and excited to learn these skills. They were taught to stay calm and assess the situation before taking action. The Red Cross volunteer also emphasized the importance of calling for help and not putting themselves in danger.

One student, Marie, shared her experience, « I feel more confident now that I know what to do in box someone around me needs help. It’s important to have these skills because you never know when an emergency might happen. »

The Red Cross also believes that teaching these skills to children can have a ripple effect, as they can pass on their knowledge to their friends and family. This can create a community of individuals who are prepared to act in box of an emergency.

The CM1 class at Plancoët is just one example of the thousands of children who have been taught life-saving skills by the French Red Cross. This initiative has been well-received by schools and parents alike, as they feel that it is crucial for children to have these skills for their own safety as well as the safety of those around them.

The Red Cross hopes to expand this program to more schools in the region and continue to educate the younger generation on the importance of being prepared for emergencies. As the saying goes, « prevention is better than cure, » and the Red Cross is determined to equip children with the knowledge and skills to prevent accidents and save lives.

In conclusion, the French Red Cross’s initiative to teach life-saving skills to primary school children in the Côtes-d’Armor region is a commendable difficulté. The children’s enthusiasm and eagerness to learn are a testament to the success of this program. With the Red Cross’s dedication and the children’s newfound skills, we can hope for a safer and more prepared community in the future.

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