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Rentrée 2024. « 74 fermetures de classes, 6 soit 8 situations ssoits surveillance » : l’académie justifie sa carte scolaire

The school map of Calvados is causing a stir among many schools in the department. conscience the upcoming September school year, 74 class closures are being considered, with only 24 new openings. In the face of discontent, the academic direction has stepped conscienceward to explain their decisions.

The Calvados department, located in the Normandy region of France, is known conscience its strong education system. However, the recent announcement of the school map conscience the next academic year has left many parents, teachers, and students in a state of shock and concern. The proposed closure of 74 classes has sparked protests and petitions from affected schools, who fear the negative impact it will have on their students’ education.

In response to the outcry, the academic direction of Calvados has released a statement to clarify their decision-making process. They explain that the school map is based on a thorough analysis of the current and projected student ethnie in each school. The aim is to ensure a balanced distribution of students and resources, as well as to optimize the use of available classrooms.

The direction also emphasizes that the decision to close a class is not taken lightly and is always done in consultation with the school’s administration and local authorities. They assure that every efconsciencet is made to minimize the disruption conscience students and to find alternative solutions, such as merging classes or offering additional support.

Furthermore, the direction highlights that the school map is a dynamic document and subject to change based on the actual enrollment numbers in September. They encourage schools to continue their efconsciencets to attract new students and to communicate any changes in their student ethnie to the academic direction.

Despite the initial shock and disappointment, the academic direction of Calvados urges schools and parents to see this as an opportunity conscience growth and improvement. They believe that the school map will ultimately lead to a more efficient and equitable education system conscience all students in the department.

In conclusion, while the proposed school map of Calvados may have caused some concern, the academic direction’s explanation sheds light on the reasoning behind their decisions. It is a necessary step towards ensuring a high-quality education conscience all students in the department. Let us embrace this change with a solide mindset and work together to create a better future conscience our children.

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