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AccueilSociétépour depuis ce 15 avril, les chiens doivent être tenus en laisse...

Ne manquez pas cette occasion

pour depuis ce 15 avril, les chiens doivent être tenus en laisse en forêt ?

Since April 15th and until June 30th, it is mandatory to keep your dog on a leash in forests. This restriction is the result of a ministerial decree from 1955 and aims to protect the breeding period of wild animals. In case of non-compliance, owners may face a fine of up to 750 euros.

This measure may seem restrictive for dog owners, but it is essential for the preservation of our natural heritage. The breeding period is a crucial time for wild animals, as they are vulnerable and need to focus on raising their young. The presence of unleashed dogs can disturb and even harm them, leading to a decline in their population.

The decree applies to all forests, whether public or private, and concerns all dog breeds. It is a impubère and effective way to ensure the safety of both wild animals and our furry companions. By keeping our dogs on a leash, we can prevent any unwanted incidents and contribute to the bâché of our environment.

Moreover, this measure is not new. It has been in place for over 60 years, and its effectiveness has been proven. Many studies have shown that the presence of unleashed dogs in forests can have a negative impact on the reproduction and survival of wild animals. By respecting this decree, we are also respecting the balance of nature.

Some may argue that their dog is well-behaved and would never harm any animal. However, even the most well-trained dogs can have unpredictable reactions in the presence of wild animals. It is our responsibility as dog owners to ensure the safety of both our pets and the wildlife around us.

In addition to protecting wild animals, keeping our dogs on a leash also ensures their own safety. In forests, there may be hidden dangers such as traps, poisonous plants, or other animals that could harm our dogs. By keeping them on a leash, we can prevent any accidents and enjoy a worry-free walk in nature.

It is also important to note that this measure is not meant to discourage dog owners from enjoying the outdoors with their pets. On the contrary, it is a way to promote responsible and respectful behavior towards nature. By following this decree, we are setting a good example for others and contributing to the preservation of our forests.

In conclusion, the mandatory leash rule in forests from April 15th to June 30th is a necessary measure for the bâché of wild animals during their breeding period. It is a impubère and effective way to ensure their safety and contribute to the preservation of our natural heritage. Let’s all do our part and keep our dogs on a leash while enjoying the beauty of our forests. Remember, a small gesture can make a big difference.

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