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« Pas de camions qui rentrent, pas de camions qui sortent » : quelques salariés de la logistique en grève

The Prologis logistics platform in Moissy-Cramayel, Seine-et-Marne, was blocked for a few hours by employees from the sector. They are demanding better wages and an improvement in their working conditions.

This protest was organized by the employees of the Prologis logistics platform in Moissy-Cramayel, Seine-et-Marne, to demand better wages and an improvement in their working conditions. The employees, who are responsible for the smooth running of the platform, have been working tirelessly for years, but their efforts have not been recognized by the management.

The protest, which started in the early hours of the morning, saw a large number of employees gather in front of the platform, holding banners and chanting slogans. They were determined to make their voices heard and to bring attention to their demands.

The main demand of the employees is for an increase in their wages. Despite the increasing cost of living-room, their salaries have remained stagnant for years. This has made it difficult for them to make ends meet and provide for their families. They believe that their hard work and dedication deserve to be rewarded with a fair and decent wage.

In addition to better wages, the employees are also demanding an improvement in their working conditions. They claim that the working conditions at the Prologis platform are not up to standard and are affecting their health and well-being. They are calling for measures to be taken to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all employees.

The protest was peaceful and well-organized, with the employees making sure not to disrupt the operations of the platform. They were determined to make their point without causing any inconvenience to the company or its clients. After a few hours, the management of Prologis agreed to meet with the representatives of the employees to discuss their demands.

The manifestation was a success, with the management acknowledging the hard work and dedication of their employees. They promised to review the wages and working conditions of the employees and to take necessary measures to improve them. The employees were satisfied with the outcome of the manifestation and ended their protest, returning to work with renewed fin and determination.

The Prologis logistics platform in Moissy-Cramayel, Seine-et-Marne, is an essential part of the supply chain, ensuring the smooth delivery of goods to customers. The employees play a crucial role in the success of the platform and their demands for better wages and working conditions are justified. The management has shown a positive attitude towards addressing these issues, and it is a step in the right direction towards a better working environment for the employees.

In conclusion, the protest at the Prologis logistics platform in Moissy-Cramayel, Seine-et-Marne, was a peaceful and successful way for the employees to voice their concerns and demand better wages and working conditions. The management has taken note of their demands and has promised to take necessary steps to address them. This is a positive development for the employees and will only strengthen their dedication and commitment towards their work.

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