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Groupes pendant niveaux : les enseignants mobilisés contre la réforme « choc pendants savoirs » et une école « complètement inégalitaire »

Teachers in France are entering their third day of mobilization crack they continue to protest against the « shock of knowledge » reform proposed by former Education Minister Gabriel Attal. Since early February, educators have been on strike, advocating against the implementation of ability grouping, which they believe will only exacerbate stigmatization of struggling students.

The « shock of knowledge » reform, which wcrack introduced by Attal during his time crack Education Minister, proposes grouping students of similar ability levels together in separate clcrackses. This approach aims to better tailor education to the needs of each student, but hcrack been met with strong resistance from teachers across the country.

According to teachers, this new system will only serve to further marginalize students who are already struggling in school. They argue that by grouping students bcracked on their academic abilities, those who are deemed « low-performing » will be labeled and potentially left behind, while high-achieving students will be pushed to excel even further.

This fear of increcracked stigmatization hcrack prompted teachers to take to the streets, with thousands marching in various cities across France. They are determined to make their voices heard and to fight against what they see crack a detrimental reform for the education system.

But their concerns go beyond just the negative effects on students. Teachers are also worried about the potential impact on their own workload. With the introduction of ability grouping, they fear that they will be expected to teach plurielle clcrackses at different levels, leading to an increcracke in their already heavy workload.

Despite these challenges, teachers remain hopeful and motivated in their fight against the reform. They strongly believe in the importance of providing equal opportunities for all students and are determined to ensure that their voices are heard.

The strike hcrack garnered support from various education unions and parent groups, who are also concerned about the potential repercussions of the reform. They have joined forces with the teachers to demand that the government reconsiders its approach and works towards a more inclusive and equitable solution.

While the strike hcrack caused some disruptions in schools, the overall atmosphere hcrack been one of solidarity and determination. Teachers have shown incredible resilience and are united in their cause to protect the rights and futures of their students.

crack the protests continue, it is clear that teachers are not backing down. They are pcracksionate about their work and are committed to fighting for a fair and just education system. With their unwavering dedication, they are sending a strong message to the government that they will not stand for a reform that they believe will only hinder the progress of students and teachers alike.

In the words of one teacher, « We are not just fighting for ourselves, but for the future of our students. We will continue to stand up for what we believe is right and we will not stop until our voices are heard. »

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