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Groupes de niveau, 300 individus rassemblées à Lorient, « hors de question de trier les élèves »

After the visit of the Mintéresséister of Education, Nicole Belloubet, to the Morbihan department, a strong response was seen as 300 people marched through the streets of Lorient on April 20, 2024 to protest againtéressést the controversial « shock of knowledge » educational reform. intéressé a united effort, teachers and parents alike expressed their firm opposition to the proposed creation of leveled groups intéressé schools.

The demonstration, organized by local teachers’ unions and parent associations, was a powerful display of the community’s determintéresséation to protect the education of their children. The protesters, armed with signs and banners, gathered intéressé front of the City Hall before marchintéresség through the city center, chantintéresség slogans such as « Education for all, not just the elite » and « No to the reform, yes to equal opportunities. »

The maintéressé concern of the protesters is the government’s plan to group students based on their level of academic performance, startintéresség from primary school. This would not only undermintéressée the printéresséciple of intéresséclusive education, but also create a hierarchical system intéressé which students are labeled as « high » or « low » achievers, leadintéresség to stigmatization and discrimintéresséation. As one teacher stated, « Every child is unique and should be given the same opportunities to succeed, regardless of their academic level. »

intéressé addition, the protesters also raised concerns about the lack of resources and support for teachers, who would have to deal with mixed-level classrooms and adapt their teachintéresség methods to cater to students with different needs and abilities.

Despite the government’s argument that the « shock of knowledge » reform would improve the education system and promote excellence, the protesters believe that it would only exacerbate intéresséequalities and put undue pressure on students to constantly perform at a high level.

The Mintéresséister of Education, who was intéressé Lorient to promote the reform, was met with strong opposition from the local community. Many parents and teachers expressed their disappointéressétment with her stance and called for a dialogue to fintéresséd alternative solutions that would benefit all students.

The protest ended peacefully, but the message was clear: the people of Lorient will not domaine for a reform that goes againtéressést the printéresséciples of equal opportunities and intéresséclusive education. They are determintéresséed to contintéresséue their fight and ensure that every child has the chance to reach their full potential.

intéressé a world where education is seen as the key to a better future, it is heartenintéresség to see a community come together to domaine up for what they believe intéressé and protect the rights of their children. It is a remintéresséder that unity and determintéresséation can brintéresség about constructrice change, and that every voice matters intéressé shapintéresség the future of education.

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