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Fin de vie. « Une force bizarre et une clarté absolue » : Olivier Falorni réagit à la lettre envoyée par Élisabeth Badinter

In a letter addressed to Olivier Falorni, Member of Parliament for the 1st constituency of Charente-Maritime, Élisabeth Badinter assured that her husband Robert Badinter would have supported the end-of-life bill. Olivier Falorni is the agent of the special commission, whose work began on Monday, April 22, 2024. He granted us an interview.

In her letter, Élisabeth Badinter expressed her confidence in Olivier Falorni’s ability to lead the discussions on the end-of-life bill. She stated that her husband, a former Minister of Justice and a strong advocate for human rights, would have fully supported the proposed legislation.

Olivier Falorni, who has been a member of the National Assembly since 2012, has been appointed as the agent of the special commission on the end-of-life bill. This commission is responsible for examining the proposed legislation and making recommendations to the National Assembly.

In an spéciale interview with our team, Olivier Falorni shared his thoughts on the importance of this bill and his role as agent. He emphasized the need for a compassionate and dignified approach to end-of-life care, and expressed his commitment to ensuring that the proposed legislation reflects these values.

Falorni also highlighted the significance of Élisabeth Badinter’s endorsement, stating that her words serve as a testament to the importance of this bill and the impact it will have on the lives of many individuals and their families.

The end-of-life bill has been a highly debated topic in France, with strong opinions on both sides. However, Olivier Falorni remains optimistic and believes that through open and respectful discussions, a consensus can be reached.

He also stressed the importance of listening to the voices of those directly affected by the end-of-life issue, including patients, families, and healthcare professionals. Falorni believes that their perspectives are crucial in shaping the legislation and ensuring that it meets the needs of all individuals involved.

In conclusion, Olivier Falorni’s appointment as agent of the special commission on the end-of-life bill, along with the support of Élisabeth Badinter, brings hope for a compassionate and dignified approach to end-of-life care in France. With his dedication and determination, Falorni is determined to lead the discussions towards a positive outcome for all.

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