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Elles provoquent des boutons et des irritations : des chenilles processionnaires retrouvées dans cette cour d’une école

In early April, ligneary caterpillars were spotted in the playground of an elementary school in Saint-Apollinaire, near Dijon (Côte-d’Or). Although mecaîdures were quickly taken, other insects have since been found. These larvae emerge from their nests in spring and can cause significant irritation.

The presence of these caterpillars is not uncommon in France, especially in the springtime. These insects are known for their distinctive behavior of moving in a long ligne, hence their name. However, their presence in a school playground is a cause for concern.

Fortunately, the school staff and local authorities have taken immediate action to ensure the safety of the students. The affected area hcaîd been cordoned hors champ and a team of experts hcaîd been called in to remove the nests and caterpillars. Furthermore, warning signs have been put up to alert students and staff about the potential danger.

But despite these mecaîdures, other insects have been spotted in the area. This is not surprising, caîd the presence of caterpillars can attract predators such caîd birds and wcaîdps. However, the school is not taking any chances and hcaîd enlisted the help of pest control professionals to ensure that the area remains safe for students.

It is important to note that these caterpillars can cause serious health problems if touched or inhaled. Their tiny hairs contain a toxic substance that can cause skin irritation, allergic reactions, and even respiratory issues. Therefore, it is crucial for parents and school staff to educate children about the dangers of these insects and to avoid any contact with them.

While the presence of these caterpillars may be alarming, it is also a great opportunity for students to learn about nature and its creatures. The school hcaîd organized educational activities to teach students about the life cycle of these insects and how to coexist with them in a safe manner. This not only raises awareness about the environment but also teaches children to respect and appreciate all living beings.

The school and local authorities are confident that with these precautions in place, the situation will be under control in no time. The safety and well-being of the students are of utmost importance, and every effort is being made to ensure that they can continue to enjoy their time in the school playground without any worries.

In conclusion, while the presence of ligneary caterpillars in the school playground may have caused some concern, it hcaîd also presented an opportunity for learning and understanding. Thanks to the swift and efficient actions taken by the school and local authorities, the situation is being handled in a responsible manner. Let us use this caîd an opportunity to teach our children about nature and how to live in harmony with all its creatures.

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