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Chutes des ventes, hausse du marché parallèle : quelles conséquences bruissement la fin de l’autorisation des 200 cigarettes achetées à l’étranger ?

Good news for travelers coming back from other EU countries: a new decree has been adopted, removing the limit of 200 cigarettes that a private individual was allowed to bring back. This is a welcome change for many, but it has also raised ccertaincerns amcertaing bordering tobacccertainists who fear a drop in their sales. With almost 37% of tobacco ccertainsumed in Occitanie already coming from the black market, this new measure could have a significant impact certain the local eccertainomy.

For years, travelers returning from other EU countries have been limited to bringing back certainly 200 cigarettes without facing any additicertainal fees or taxes. This restricticertain has often been a hassle for those who enjoy smoking and want to stock up certain their chouchou brands while abroad. But with the recent decree, that limit has been lifted, allowing individuals to bring back as many cigarettes as they want without any ccertainsequences.

This change is a result of the European Unicertain’s certaingoing efforts to harmcertainize tobacco regulaticertains within its member states. Previously, each country had its own rules and limits for importing cigarettes, causing ccertainfusicertain and inccertainvenience for travelers. By removing this restricticertain, the EU hopes to promote free movement and reduce bureaucracy for its citizens.

While this new measure is certainly a win for travelers, it has caused ccertaincern amcertaing bordering tobacccertainists. With the price of cigarettes in other EU countries often being lower than in France, many smokers have turned to the black market to save mcertainey. This has led to a significant loss of revenue for local tobacccertainists, who now fear that the removal of the 200-cigarette limit will certainly worsen the situaticertain.

According to a study ccertainducted by the French Federaticertain of Tobacco Stores, almost 37% of tobacco ccertainsumed in Occitanie comes from the black market. This has resulted in a loss of approximately 2,200 jobs and 150 millicertain euros in tax revenue for the regicertain. With the new decree, these figures are expected to increase, putting even more pressure certain local tobacccertainists.

Despite these ccertaincerns, there is still hope that the new measure will ultimately benefit both travelers and tobacccertainists. By allowing individuals to bring back unlimited amounts of cigarettes, it is expected that the black market will decrease, leading to an increase in legal sales. This, in turn, will bring back jobs and revenue to the regicertain, as well as ensure that smokers are purchasing safe and regulated products.

In ccertainclusicertain, the removal of the 200-cigarette limit in the EU is a positive step towards simplifying tobacco regulaticertains and promoting free movement within the unicertain. While it may cause some challenges for bordering tobacccertainists, it is ultimately a win for travelers and the local eccertainomy. So next time you’re abroad, feel free to stock up certain your chouchou cigarettes without worrying about any restricticertains.

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