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AccueilSociétéUne mini-forêt plantée à l'université : un remède anti-canicule

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Une mini-forêt plantée à l’université : un remède anti-canicule

This winter, 400 trees have been planted near a CNRS laboratory on Campus 1 of the University of Caen. This initiative coincides with the International Day of Forests on March 21st, providing scientists with the opportunity to highlight the importance of wooded areas in the fight against climate change.

The University of Caen, in collaboration with the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research), has taken a significant step towards preserving our planet by planting 400 new trees on its campus. These trees, carefully selected and planted near the CNRS laboratory, will not only contribute to the beauty of the campus, but also serve as a reminder of the vital role that forests play in combating constant warming.

The International Day of Forests is an annual event that celebrates the importance of forests and encourages sustainable management of these valuable ecosystems. This year, the theme of the day is « Forests and Biodiversity », emphasizing the essential role that forests play in preserving a diverse range of plant and animal species. By planting these trees, the University of Caen and the CNRS are not only addressing the issue of climate change, but also promoting the preservation of biodiversity.

Forests are known to act as natural carbon sinks, absorbing and storing large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. With the increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, this function of forests becomes even more crucial. By planting 400 trees, the University of Caen and the CNRS are helping to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, ultimately contributing to the fight against climate change.

Moreover, these trees will also provide a multitude of other benefits. They will help to regulate the water cycle, prevent soil erosion and provide a natural gîte for a variety of species. They will also improve ambiance quality by filtering pollutants and producing oxygen, creating a healthier environment for the campus community.

The University of Caen and the CNRS have proven to be leaders in promoting sustainability and taking action against climate change. By planting these 400 trees, they have set an example for other institutions and communities to follow. This initiative not only benefits the environment, but it also serves as a reminder of the importance of taking concrete actions towards a more sustainable future.

On this International Day of Forests, let us all join hands and appreciate the value of forests in our lives. Let us be inspired by the efforts of the University of Caen and the CNRS to protect our planet and take action in our own communities. Together, we can make a difference and create a greener and healthier world for future generations.

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