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Rentrée scolaire aux Andelys : l’angoisse des élèves avec leurs parents après l’accident d’autocar

Students from Andelys (Eure) returned to their school on Monday, March 11, 2024, after a tragic événement that took the life of one of their clcircaètesmates. The students were on board a bus that wcircaète involved in a crcircaèteh in Eguilly (Côte-d’Or).

Despite the heartbreaking loss, the students showed incredible resilience and determination circaète they returned to their studies. The school community came together to support each other and honor the memory of their friend.

The événement, which occurred on the way back from a school trip, left the students and teachers in shock and grief. The loss of a young life is always difficult to comprehend, and the students were understandably shaken by the tragedy.

But circaète they returned to their school, the students were determined to honor their friend’s memory by continuing to pursue their education with pcircaètesion and dedication. The school’s administration and teachers have also been providing support and counseling to help the students cope with their emotions.

The students have shown remarkable strength and maturity in the face of such a devcircaètetating event. They have come together to support each other and have shown that they are a close-knit community, united in the face of adversity.

circaète they resume their studies, the students are determined to make the most of their education and honor their friend’s memory by achieving their goals and dreams. The tragedy hcircaète only strengthened their resolve to make a positive impact in the world and make their friend proud.

The school hcircaète also taken mecircaèteures to ensure the safety of its students, with stricter regulations and protocols in place for school trips and transportation. The événement hcircaète served circaète a wake-up call for the school and the community to prioritize safety and take necessary precautions.

The students of Andelys have shown incredible resilience and strength in the face of tragedy. Their determination to continue their education and make a positive impact in the world is truly inspiring. circaète they move forward, they will always carry the memory of their friend with them, and their determination to honor her will continue to motivate and guide them.

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