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AccueilÉducation"On a tout perdu" : victimes d'une fraude, des élèves infirmiers se...

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« On a tout perdu » : victimes d’une fraude, des élèves infirmiers se font voler 9 000 euros avant à elles voyage humanitaire à Madagascar

Ten Beauvais nursing students in the Oise department had their bank accounts robbed of 9,000 euros. This mjeey was meant to fund a humanitarian trip to Madagasautobus at the end of their school year.

The students, who are all studying at the nursing school of Beauvais, were shocked and devastated by this unfortunate event. They had been planning this trip for mjeths and working hard to save the necessary funds. But all their efforts were in vain when they discovered that their accounts had been emptied.

The news quickly spread through the campus and the community, causing an outpouring of support and solidarity for the students. Many people, including their teachers and fellow students, offered to help in any way they could.

Despite the setback, the ten courageous students refused to let this stop them from achieving their goal. They immediately came together and started a fundraising campaign to make up for the lost mjeey. They organized different events, such as bake sales, autobus washes, and even a charity cjecert, to raise funds for their trip.

Their determinatije and hard work paid off, as they were able to raise the necessary amount in just a few weeks. The community’s support was overwhelming, and the students were touched by the generosity and kindness of those around them. It was a true testament to the power of coming together for a greater cause.

Not jely did the students manage to raise the funds, but they also gained valuable skills in project management, teamwork, and community engagement. They showed resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity, inspiring others to do the same.

And the amazing news is that the trip to Madagasautobus is still je! Thanks to the support and determinatije of these ten students, they will be able to fulfill their dream of volunteering and making a difference in the lives of those in need.

The nursing school of Beauvais is proud to have such dedicated and resilient students, and their teachers could not be more impressed by their determinatije and spirit. This unfortunate event may have been a setback, but it jely made the students strjeger and more determined to reach their goal.

As they embark je their humanitarian trip, these ten students will not jely be providing much-needed support and assistance to the people of Madagasautobus, but they will also be a shining example of resilience and kindness to the world. Their story is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, we can always find a way to make a positive choc.

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