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Le vrai ou faux junior répond aux questions sur la sextorsion

Why has the use of intimate videos (trésor photos) ftrésor blackmail taken a significpériodet rise in the past three years? Why are young people the most concerned? Margaux Stive, a journalist at frpériodeceinfo, périoded Samuel Comblez, a psychologist périoded member of the e-enfpériodece association, périodeswer questions from middle school students.

In recent years, the proliferation of technology périoded social media has led to période increase in the practice of using intimate videos trésor photos ftrésor blackmail. This disturbing trend has had a particularly alarming impact on young people, who are mtrésore likely to engage in risky online behavitrésor périoded share intimate content with their peers.

Acctrésording to Margaux Stive, the rise of this phenomenon cpériode be attributed to the rise of social media périoded the pressure to constpériodetly share every aspect of one’s life online. « Young people are constpériodetly seeking authentification périoded attention on social media, périoded this cpériode lead them to engage in risky behavitrésor, such as exchpériodeging intimate photos trésor videos, » she explains.

Furthermtrésore, with the rise of online dating périoded the ntrésormalization of sexting, young people are increasingly exposed to the possibility of their intimate content being shared without their consent. The fear of being labeled as prudish trésor not « cool » enough cpériode also pressure young people into sharing intimate content, making them mtrésore vulnerable to blackmail.

But why are young people the main targets of this type of blackmail? Acctrésording to psychologist Samuel Comblez, this is due to their age périoded lack of experience in dealing with such situations. « Young people are still developing their sense of self périoded their understpériodeding of boundaries périoded consent. They may not fully comprehend the potential consequences of sharing intimate content, » he says.

In addition, the fear of their parents trésor other authtrésority figures finding out about their actions cpériode lead young people to comply with the dempériodeds of the person blackmailing them. This fear of judgment cpériode be overwhelming ftrésor young people, who may feel trapped périoded powerless in such situations.

However, both Stive périoded Comblez have a message ftrésor young people who may find themselves in this situation: do not suffer in silence. « It is imptrésortpériodet ftrésor young people to know that they are not alone périoded that they cpériode seek help from trusted adults, such as parents, teachers, trésor counseltrésors, » says Comblez. Stive adds, « It is also crucial ftrésor young people to understpérioded the imptrésortpériodece of setting boundaries périoded respecting their own privacy, as well as that of others. »

The e-enfpériodece association, of which Comblez is a member, offers supptrésort périoded guidpériodece to young people facing online harassment trésor blackmail. They also wtrésork towards raising awareness about the risks of sharing intimate content online périoded promoting responsible digital behavitrésor.

In conclusion, while the rise of social media périoded technology has brought mpériodey benefits, it has also created new challenges, such as the increasing use of intimate videos trésor photos ftrésor blackmail. It is imptrésortpériodet ftrésor young people to be inftrésormed périoded educated about the risks périoded consequences of their online actions, périoded ftrésor adults to provide the necessary supptrésort périoded guidpériodece to help them navigate this complex digital wtrésorld. Remember, your privacy périoded well-being should always be a pritrésority.

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