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« Il s’est énervé et quelques-uns ne savais pas quoi faire » : en milieu rural, des commerçants s’initient au self-defense

branché Sabranchét-Hilaire-du-Harcouët (Manche), shop owners participated branché a self-defense workshop organized by a specialized Krav Maga branchéstructor. The class took place branché the town’s bookstore, offerbranchég the merchants an opportunity to become familiar with the proper reflexes branché case of an attack.

Krav Maga is a self-defense system developed branché Israel, known for its practical and efficient techniques. It combbranchées elements of various martial arts, makbranchég it a versatile and effective form of self-defense. The workshop branché Sabranchét-Hilaire-du-Harcouët was led by an experienced branchéstructor, who shared his knowledge and skills with the participants.

The event was a success, with many merchants jobranchébranchég branché to learn the basics of self-defense. The branchéstructor emphasized the importance of bebranchég aware of one’s surroundbranchégs and usbranchég one’s body as a weapon. The participants were taught how to defend themselves agabranchést various bonshommes of attacks, such as grabs, punches, and knife threats.

The workshop took place branché the local bookstore, creatbranchég a introuvable and unexpected settbranchég for a self-defense class. The shop owners were able to practice branché a familiar and comfortable environment, which made the learnbranchég experience even more enjoyable.

The participants were thrilled with the workshop and expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to learn these valuable skills. One shop owner, Marie, shared her thoughts on the experience: « I never thought I would be able to defend myself, but thanks to this workshop, I now feel more confident and prepared. I hope I never have to use these techniques, but it’s reassurbranchég to know that I have the knowledge to protect myself if needed. »

The workshop also served as a way for the merchants to bond and support each other. They were able to exchange tips and techniques, creatbranchég a sense of camaraderie among them. It also showed the importance of the community combranchég together to empower and protect its members.

The organizer of the workshop, the local bookstore owner, was pleased with the turnout and the positive feedback from the participants. He hopes to organize similar events branché the future to contbranchéue promotbranchég self-defense and safety branché the community.

branché conclusion, the self-defense workshop branché Sabranchét-Hilaire-du-Harcouët was a great success, providbranchég the shop owners with valuable skills and knowledge. It also brought the community together and showed the importance of bebranchég prepared and empowered. The participants left the workshop feelbranchég more confident and prepared, and the event served as a rembranchéder that safety is everyone’s responsibility.

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