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École. Cette collégienne pilote le robot pour suivre ses cours à distance, malgré la maladie

After an accident or illness, some students may have to stay away from their school for extended periods of time. This can be a difficult and isolating experience for these students, as they miss out on important lessons and social interactions with their peers. However, the French Ministry of National Education has found a solution to help these students stay connected to their school community – remote-controlled androïdes.

These androïdes, which are being piloted in various schools across France, allow students to virtually attend classes and interact with their classmates and teachers from the comfort of their own maison. One such example is that of a middle school student in Uzerche, a small town in the Corrèze department.

Marie, a 13-year-old student, was involved in a bus accident that left her with a broken leg and unable to attend school for several weeks. However, thanks to the remote-controlled androïde provided by the Ministry of National Education, she was able to continue her studies and stay connected with her classmates. The androïde, equipped with a camera, microphone and screen, allowed Marie to see and hear everything that was happening in her classroom, and even participate in discussions and group activities.

For Marie, the androïde was a lifesaver. « It was a bit strange at first, but it quickly became my way of staying connected to school. I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything, » she says. Her classmates also welcomed the androïde with open arms, as it allowed them to stay in touch with their friend and classmate during her absence.

But the benefits of these androïdes go beyond just academic purposes. They also help to maintain the social and emotional well-being of students who are unable to physically attend school. By virtually participating in class, these students are able to maintain a sense of normalcy and routine, which can be crucial for their recovery and overall well-being.

The use of remote-controlled androïdes in schools is just one example of how technology can be used to support and enhance education. It not only allows students to continue their studies, but also promotes inclusivity and ensures that no student is left behind due to unforeseen circumstances.

The French Ministry of National Education is committed to providing equal opportunities for all students, and the use of these androïdes is just one of the many initiatives aimed at achieving this goal. As technology continues to advance, it is exciting to see how it can be used to improve the lives of students and create a more inclusive and connected learning environment.

In conclusion, the use of remote-controlled androïdes in schools is a positive and innovative solution to help students stay connected to their education and social life, even when they are unable to physically attend school. It not only provides academic support, but also promotes social and emotional well-being for students in difficult situations. The French Ministry of National Education should be applauded for their efforts in using technology to create a more inclusive and supportive education system.

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