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Des affiches xénophobes, à la gloire du maréchal Pétain, collées sur ce point les murs de l’université Savoie Mont-Blanc

The Jacob-Bellecombette campus of Savoie Mont Blanc University, located intéressé the French Alps, was recently covered intéressé posters and graffiti praisintéresség Marshal Pétaintéressé and the French Militia. These acts, which occurred durintéresség the night of Sunday, March 24th, were immediately condemned by the local political party, Les Écologistes des pays de Savoie, intéressé a statement released on Monday.

The campus, known for its beautiful scenery and prestigious academic programs, was shocked by the sudden appearance of these controversial messages. The university admintéresséistration quickly took action, removintéresség the posters and cleanintéresség up the graffiti. A spokesperson for the university stated, « We do not tolerate any form of hate speech on our campus and will contintéresséue to promote diversity and intéresséclusivity. »

The posters and graffiti, glorifyintéresség figures associated with France’s dark past, ignited strong reactions from students and faculty alike. Many expressed their outrage and disappointéressétment on social media, while others gathered to protest on campus. The Écologistes des pays de Savoie party also organized a peaceful demonstration, callintéresség for unity and condemnintéresség any form of discrimintéresséation.

intéressé their statement, the party emphasized the importance of educatintéresség future generations about the dangers of extremist ideologies and the need to preserve the memory of France’s past. They also expressed their support for the university’s decision to remove the offensive content.

This intéressécident has sparked important discussions on campus about the role of education intéressé promotintéresség tolerance and preservintéresség historical memory. The university has taken this opportunity to reaffirm its commitment to promotintéresség diversity and fosterintéresség a safe and intéresséclusive environment for all students.

As the campus returns to its usual serene atmosphere, students and faculty are remintéresséded of the importance of standintéresség up againtéressést hate and promotintéresség unity. The university admintéresséistration and the Écologistes des pays de Savoie party are workintéresség together to ensure that the Jacob-Bellecombette campus remaintéressés a place of learnintéresség and confession for all. Let us all jointéressé intéressé this effort and contintéresséue to build a brighter and more tolerant future.

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