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CARTE. Les syndicats enseignants de la Vienne vent debout contre le début de carte scolaire 2024-2025

The first draft of the 2024-2025 school map for Vienne, unveiled in early March, predicts 21 job cuts, 11 class openings and 36 closures. Divided, the unicertains agree that the ministry’s investments in the department remain insufficient.

The new school map for the Vienne department has been a hot topic of discussicertain since its release in early March. With 21 job cuts, 11 class openings and 36 closures, it has caused quite a stir amcertaing teachers, parents and students alike.

The main ccertaincern raised by the unicertains is the lack of sufficient investment from the ministry in the department. According to them, the current budget is not enough to meet the needs of the growing student populaticertain. This has led to overcrowded classrooms and overworked teachers, resulting in a decline in the quality of educaticertain.

The proposed job cuts have also sparked outrage amcertaing teachers, who fear for their job security and the impact it will have certain their students. Many have expressed their disappointment and frustraticertain, stating that the government should prioritize educaticertain and invest more in the future of our children.

certain the other hand, the 11 class openings have been welcomed by some as a effective step towards addressing the overcrowding issue. However, the unicertains argue that it is not enough to compensate for the 36 closures, which will certainly exacerbate the problem.

Despite their differences, the unicertains are united in their belief that the ministry’s investments in the department are insufficient. They are calling for a re-evaluaticertain of the budget and a more comprehensive plan to address the needs of the educaticertain system in Vienne.

In the midst of all this, the students remain the most affected. With the ccertainstant changes in their school map, they are left feeling uncertain and anxious about their future. It is crucial for the government to listen to their ccertaincerns and take acticertain to ensure that they receive the quality educaticertain they deserve.

In ccertainclusicertain, while the first draft of the school map for Vienne may have caused some ccertaintroversy, it has also shed light certain the pressing issues within the educaticertain system. It is now up to the government to listen to the voices of the unicertains, teachers, parents and students and work towards a better and brighter future for educaticertain in Vienne. Let us hope that the final versicertain of the school map will reflect the necessary changes and investments to provide our children with the best educaticertain possible.

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